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Bangkok Post – China says it is prepared for larger shocks while American prices are looming

Bangkok Post – China says it is prepared for larger shocks while American prices are looming



File photo: US President Donald Trump attends a bilateral meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the G20 leaders' summit in Osaka, Japan, June 29, 2019 (Reuters)

File photo: US President Donald Trump attends a bilateral meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the G20 leaders' summit in Osaka, Japan, June 29, 2019 (Reuters)

Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang said the country is prepared for “shocks that exceed expectations” while the whole world for US President Donald Trump announces more prices on his business partners next month.

Countries are expected to open markets in the face of growing economic fragmentation, said Li to the start of world entrepreneurs and visits the Republican senator Steve Daines at the start of the Chinese development forum in Beijing on Sunday.

“Instability and uncertainty are increasing,” said Li. “For the moment, I think it is even more important for each of our countries to open the markets more and that all our companies share their resources more.”

The senior executives, notably Tim Cook from Apple Inc, Cristiano Amon of Qualcomm Inc, Albert Bourla de Pfizer Inc and Amin Nasser of Saudi Aramco will attend the two -day conference. Bloomberg News reported earlier than plans were plans for corporate titans to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping on March 28, citing people familiar with the issue.

Daines, a member of the foreign relations committee, met the Deputy Prime Minister He Lifeng on Saturday, a rare public exchange between us and Chinese officials since Trump returned to the White House. Senator and Li must meet on Sunday.

The Prime Minister has also reiterated a commitment from the Central Bank that decision -makers will reduce interest rates and the reserve needs ratio when they are “in a timely”, and has promised to offer more support when necessary to ensure that the economy takes place gently.

LI's remarks arise as China renews efforts to attract foreign companies after the entering investment dropped last year at its lowest in more than three decades.

The slowdown in growth and the increase in trade tensions have brought to the attraction of investing in the second world economy. In the coming days, the United States is expected to finish an examination of the compliance of Beijing with the Trade Agreement of phase 1 on the first mandate of Trump and impose reciprocal tasks worldwide.

Chinese officials are trying to capitalize on the momentum in the private sector stimulated by the startup of artificial intelligence Deepseek, and to paint Beijing as a force for global stability. China has recently unveiled a consumer action plan in the buffer efforts of the economy against external risks.

The authorities set an ambitious economic growth target of around 5% for 2025 and brought the target of Budget deficit in China to the highest in more than three decades. However, if the trade war with the United States is intensifying, economists say that China will have to deploy a substantial stimulus to achieve its growth objective this year.

In a prelude to what could be a generalized disruption for world trade, Chinese cotton purchases, consumer cars and certain energy products in the United States have all plunged in the first two months of the year. All these goods were submitted to Chinese reprisal rates in response to Trump's business measures.

The China Development Forum began in 2000 with the support of the Premise of Zhu Rongji, serving as a high-level dialogue platform between China and the world.

Most of the years, the opening speech was made by a Deputy Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister would hold a closed-door meeting with the leaders. In a break with priority, Li approached the forum last year while Xi met a number of American business leaders after the event, while Beijing sought to counter the dynamic story of its economy.




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