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A new coronavirus mutation found in the Philippines


A new coronavirus mutation found in the Philippines

Gaia Katrina Kavico ( 17, 2020-10:41 am

Manila in the Philippines — A new coronavirus mutation, which is believed to be more infectious than the original variant, was detected in the Philippines, genomic researchers said.

A new mutation in SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is reported to have become the major epidemic coronavirus strain worldwide. Researchers called it G614.

When the outbreak began in Japan last March, the original D614 genotype appeared in positive samples collected by the Philippines Genome Center (PGC). However, in a new study, genomic researchers have detected both D614 and G614.

“We report the detection of the D614 variant in nine randomly selected COVID-19 positive samples collected in Quezon City in July. In June, a small number of positive cases detected both D614 and G614.” Was done,” PGC said in a preliminary announcement on August 13.

“While this information corroborates the presence of G614 in the Philippines, it is important to note that all samples tested are from Quezon City and may not represent the national mutation status. I added.

Last month, researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and Duke University in North Carolina published a study showing that certain alterations in the SARS-CoV-2 viral genome were more infectious in cell culture. The team analyzed data from 999 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in the UK and observed that patients infected with G614 contained more viral particles.

However, they found no evidence of the effect of G614 on disease severity. In other words, it was less related to hospitalization.

“There is still no clear evidence that carriers of the G614 variant are actually more contagious than carriers of D614, and the mutations do not appear to have a substantial effect on clinical outcome,” PGC said.

The Genome Center emphasized the importance of continuous monitoring of G614 to help contain, diagnose, and develop therapeutic strategies.

The new coronavirus has infected 161,253 people in the country so far, despite imposing one of the longest and strictest blockades ever. Of these, 112,586 recovered and 2,665 died.

As it happens

Latest Update: August 17, 2020-7:46 am

Follow this page for the latest information on the mysterious pneumonia epidemics that have hit dozens of people in China.

August 17, 2020-7:46 am

The new coronavirus has killed at least 766,228 people since the outbreak in China last December, Aggregate From official sources edited by AFP on Sunday 1100 GMT.

At least 21,500,350 cases have been registered in 196 countries and regions. Of these, at least 13,205,100 are considered recovered.

Aggregations using data collected by AFP from national authorities and information from the World Health Organization (WHO) probably reflect only a small fraction of the actual number of infections. — AFP

August 16, 2020-5:01 pm

On the second week of improved and enhanced community quarantine, and 152 days after the ECQ was first raised in March, health officials added 3,420 new cases of coronavirus on Sunday, totaling cases in the Philippines. The number brought to 161,253 patients.

Associated with the new case were 40,397 new recoveries and 65 additional deaths, totaling 112,586 and 2,665, respectively.

August 16, 2020-11:51 am

When veteran Hollywood actor Greg Daniel auditioned for a new film in Los Angeles, he barely showed up-a pandemic was underway, “nobody was shooting”.

“I was almost hesitant to even go to the audition,” Daniel said. “I’m African American. I’m over fifty years old and disproportionately a black man dies at COVID-19… but the script was so good that I’m the main actor. “

Fast forward to today, Daniel has completed a boxing drama “7th & Union” filmed in the eerily quiet California entertainment center.

Executive producer Jolene Rodriguez said “everything went smoothly and safely” thanks to merciless testing, on-set “COVID Officers”, sanitation, and forced social distances between takes.

However, it is just one of the few movies to reopen in Hollywood, as Governor Gavin Newtham signaled a green light in June. — AFP

August 16, 2020-10:33 am

Home Secretary Eduardo Año has announced a positive test for CVID-19.

“On August 13, 2020, I started getting flu-like symptoms such as sore throat and body aches. On August 14, I started self-quarantine and took my own PCR test.” On the night of the 15th, he notified me of the test results and I’m again positive for COVID-19, during which I was carefully monitored by my doctor while I was in isolation,” he said in a statement. States.

“I made this announcement and called on everyone in close contact to self-isolate, observe symptoms according to DOH guidelines, and take appropriate action.”

August 16, 2020-9:37 am

British travelers returning from some parts of Europe and elsewhere have to quarantine on Saturday under the new restrictions.

As the second wave of viral infections further threatens continental and economic turmoil, the United Kingdom has chosen to exclude France, the Netherlands, Malta and three other countries from the exclusion list for self-isolation rules.

Announced late Thursday, the move was a 36-hour flight, train, or ferry ticket among Englishmen desperate to return home before the 4:00 am (GMT 0300) rule change. Caused a scramble. — AFP


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