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Scientists discover ways to fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria


Bacteria make up some of the most important organisms in the world on which the entire ecosystem depends. However, harmful species can cause serious illness, especially antibiotic resistant bacteria. In a recent discovery, the team at the Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute discovered how bacteria could evade the body’s immune response.

New research published in journal Natural microbiology.. Scientists hope their findings will help develop new methods to treat bacterial infections and will continue to evolve and mutate to become antibiotic resistant.

For the worst antibiotic resistant bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Enterobacteriaceae Enterobacteria, and many others. These harmful bacteria can cause a variety of infections, including staphylococcal infections of the skin, organ infections, and a variety of other conditions.

Bacteria usually attach to the host and release toxins, rendering cells of the immune system incapable of attacking. Mitochondria, Or cell power source. Pests can also grow rapidly, destroying normal tissue function and making the immune system function toxic.

Focus on cell mitochondria

Triggers when immune cells detect that mitochondria are no longer functioning against bacterial infections Apoptosis Or “cell suicide”. “Ironically, it’s not the bacterial toxins themselves, it’s the activation of host cell death factor that ultimately kills mitochondria that triggers apoptosis,” Pankaj Deo explained.

Inflammation can be reduced by genetically targeting cell apoptosis factors. Dr. Deo’s team observed that in the mouse model, health outcomes were increased when targeted to the treatment of cellular mitochondria rather than focusing on bacteria.

Scientists have tested several pathogens, including: E. coli, Neisseria gonorrhoeae,and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, This is a multidrug resistant species commonly found in hospitals. The same method can be applied to many other bacterial species, Deo explained.

Along with co-author Dr. Thomas Naderer, they found that their findings paved the way for new treatments for antibiotic-resistant bacteria. “While a lot of effort has been put into blocking endotoxins that kill immune cells, this research has focused on a variety of toxins that may really be more important,” Naderer said.

Science Times-Scientists discover how to fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria

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Their research helps determine the next steps to address bacterial infections. This is especially important because scientists have been unable to develop new antibiotics in the last 30 years.

read: Antibiotics may increase risk of Crohn’s disease

Treatment of inflammation

Not only did their experiments show how to effectively combat bacterial infections, but they also found ways to accelerate the immune response by focusing on inflammation, Naderer said. “Another aspect is that if the response is persistent, always associated with bacterial infections, and the inflammation that causes many tissue damages is persistent, there are new ways to block the tissue damage inflammation. “

Previously, Dr. Deo said that endotoxin-releasing bacteria cause inflammatory reactions in immune cells Pyrotosis.. They found that the pathogen releases an additional toxin called an outer membrane vesicle. Toxins attack immune cells mitochondria, rendering them ineffective and ultimately causing apoptosis.

The team is working on a drug treatment currently under development. They also want to reuse existing drug therapies, such as anticancer drugs, to see if they can combat bacterial infections more effectively.

read more: New research reports that some bacteria have defective ribosomes

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