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Researchers find ways to accelerate nerve regeneration in trauma patients



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Researchers at the University of Alberta have discovered a treatment that speeds nerve regeneration three to five times. This will significantly improve the outcome of traumatic surgery patients.

“We use the term “time is muscle”,” said Christine Webber, an associate professor of anatomy at U of A and a member of the Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health. It was “If the regenerative nerves can’t reach the muscle fast enough, we can’t do a functional repair.”

Peripheral nerve injury occurs in approximately 3% of trauma victims. The slow nature of nerve regeneration often means muscular atrophy before nerves have the opportunity to grow and reconnect.

Then adjust the electrical stimulation (CES).

Webber and her collaborators — plastic Resident and ex-doctoral student Jenna-Lynn Senger and physical rehabilitation clinician Ming Chan have looked at CES in many publications to date. This process electrically stimulates the nerve for an hour at a fairly low rate of 20 Hertz. One week after CES treatment, neurosurgery is performed and the nerve grows 3-5 times faster than it would have been without CES.

In their latest study on CES, Webber’s group investigated an animal model with foot drop, a common injury that affects patient quality of life by impeding normal walking ability. Previously, the only treatment for footdrops was a brace that affected the patient’s gait or surgery.

Webber’s lab found that nerves near the injured nerve had electrically stimulated distal nerve metastases, and a week later, the branch of the nerve was severed, near a non-functioning nerve target. Was placed in. The newly migrated nerves are then prepared and ready to regrow to the leg-lifting muscles at a much faster rate.

CES can be a tool for faster nerve regrowth in any part of the peripheral nervous system. Min Chang, a member of the Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, has initiated a clinical trial using CES prior to carpal tunnel nerve repair.

Webber hopes to bring in the information gained from the study of foot neurotransmission. Must be covered Within the next year or two.

Imaging nerve regeneration provides insights into successful repair

For more information:
Jenna-Lynn B. Senger et al, Conditioning Electrical Stimulation Accelerates Neurotransmission Regeneration, Neurological record (2020). DOI: 10.1002 / ana.25796

Quote: Researchers find ways to accelerate nerve regeneration in trauma patients (August 19, 2020).

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