Dr. Forch of Sweden said that just relying on face masks to fight the coronavirus is “very dangerous”.
Top Swedish infectious disease specialists warned that masks alone are not the solution to tackle novels Coronavirus Some people believe it.
As Financial times Reportedly, the Scandinavian country tackled the pandemic differently than its neighbors Norway, Denmark and Finland. For example, other Scandinavian countries contrast with the Swedish approach to wearing masks.
Anders Tegnell, a state epidemiologist believed to be equivalent to Dr. Anthony Fauci in the United States, opposes reliance on face coverings to limit the spread of the virus.
“It’s very dangerous to believe that face masks will change the game with respect to COVID-19,” he said.
He believes masks can be used as part of a larger strategy, but should not be considered a solution in and of itself.
“Face masks can complement other things when they’re safely in place,” he said. “But starting with having a face mask, I think we can get busses and shopping malls crowded. That’s wrong.”
He pointed to countries like Spain and Belgium. There, infections increased despite widespread use of facial covers. That said, Sweden may start demanding masks in places such as hospitals and dental clinics, but we are still discussing such suggestions.
Other Scandinavian countries need cover when riding public transport, but Sweden is not aware of the need. New York Post report.
“Because of the rapid decline in numbers in Sweden, it makes no sense to wear a mask in public transport or in Sweden.”
Tegner said the evidence behind the idea of wearing a face mask is “surprisingly weak.”
“I’m surprised that there are no more studies to show what effect the mask actually has,” he said.
Tegner has been described as stubborn because of his stance on masking, but other officials claim that the Swedish government health agency is respected and listened to by politicians and the general public. This allowed the country to take a different approach than the one led by politicians, who are less likely to receive advice from health professionals.
Unlike many other countries, Sweden has received worldwide attention to its pandemic efforts to refuse the blockade.
As a result, the country faced higher per capita mortality, Especially among the elderlyHowever, some also claim that they are closer to approaching herd immunity.
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