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Will India consider emergency approval for Covaxin and ZyCoV-D?


India has made great strides in the race to create potential coronavirus vaccines. Several Indian pharmaceutical companies are working on vaccine development Deadly coronavirus It has already infected approximately 22 million people worldwide. domestic Pharmaceutical company In India, coronavirus vaccines are being worked on by Bharat Biotech, Serum Research Institute, Zyda Scadilla, Panacea Biotech, Indian Immunology, Minbuck’s, Biological E and others. Read again- COVID-19 Live Update: Indian cases jump to 28,36,925 as death toll reaches 53,866

On Wednesday, Dr. Balram Bhargava, Secretary-General of the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR), became a member of the Permanent Committee of the Parliament, with vaccine candidates including Bharat Biotech, Cadila and Indian Serum Research Institute There are different stages of trial. Read again- Obesity increases COVID-19 mortality risk in men: Five solid ways to lose weight

According to officials, Phase II clinical trials of two indigenous vaccine candidates are nearly complete in India. It usually takes 6-9 months for the vaccine to come out, but he suggested it could be released early if the center decides to get emergency approval. Read again- Amitshire admitted to AIIMS after complaining of fatigue: CT scan reveals chest infection

Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced in a speech at Red Fort on August 15 that the center would start mass production of vaccines as soon as researchers gave a green signal. Vaccines that have successfully completed Phase 2 clinical trials may therefore be given urgent approval for public use.

Covaxin and ZyCoV-D are two promising indigenous vaccines that have shown satisfactory results in preclinical studies. Read on to find out more about these vaccine candidates.


It is based in Hyderabad Bharat Biotech In collaboration with Indian Medical Research Council (ICMR) and National Institute of Virology (NIV).

The company conducts Phase I and Phase II clinical trials with approval from the Director of Drug Administration (DCGI) in India Vaccine candidate Phase 1 and 2 trials aim to determine the safety and immunogenicity of vaccine candidates, their ability to elicit an immune response in the body.

At the press conference earlier this month, Dr. Bergerba said that Bharat Biotech’s inactivated virus vaccine completed Phase I trials and started Phase II trials at 11 sites.


Ahmedabad-based Zydus Cadila launched a Phase II clinical trial of the Covid-19 vaccine candidate ZyCoV-D in the first week of August. The company has already completed Phase I trials and found that DNA vaccines are safe and well tolerated by healthy participants. Phase II trials recruit more than 1,000 healthy adults to test the efficacy of vaccine candidates.

The company plans to put together Late test By February or March next year, it will manufacture and ship millions of vaccines from 2020 to 210,000 years.

ZyCoV-D was found to be safe, immunogenic and well tolerated in preclinical toxicity studies. The pharmaceutical company said the vaccine was able to elicit high levels of neutralizing antibodies in animal studies.

According to Dr. Bhargava, about 141 vaccine candidates have been tested worldwide, 26 of which are in various stages of clinical testing. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), six candidate coronavirus vaccines have reached Phase 3 clinical trials.

Published: August 20, 2020 11:18 am | Updated: August 20, 2020 11:37 am

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