The first W.Va. children have been diagnosed with an inflammatory disease associated with COVID-19
West Virginia health officials reported the first state-onset case of multisystem inflammatory syndrome or MIS-C in children on Tuesday.
This disease is associated with exposure to coronavirus. The Federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that MIS-C affects children 2 to 4 weeks after being infected with coronavirus and tends to inflame various body parts such as the heart and lungs. I will.
West Virginia Public Health Commissioner Ayne Amjad said in a press release Tuesday that the development “sadly reminds us that COVID-19 does more than just affect older people.”
“We must continue to work on masks in public places, at social distances and in an effort to protect each other according to all recommendations of local, state and federal health professionals “Amjad said.
DHHR did not provide additional information regarding the location or health of the child.
The Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 570 MIS-C children nationwide at the end of July. The CDC also reported 10 deaths.
So far, pediatric specialists like Dr. Catherine Moffett, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of West Virginia, say MIS-C is rare, but Many unknowns About the disease and how coronaviruses commonly infect children.
“We closed the school in March, so the kids never actually went to school in the community,” Moffett said. “They have a little, but they don’t go to bars or gyms. They won’t work. So what we saw for our kids is a little falsely reassuring. They’re all together They were different because they didn’t.”
Although MIS-C is new to West Virginia, MIS-C is new to West Virginia, says Dr. Mariana Lanata of the childhood infection doctor, Marshall Health, hasn’t changed much about conversations with young people.
“I don’t think having the first case of MIS-C will change that conversation,” Lanata said. “For me, the conversation was always the same. We need to be very careful. Every school needs proper planning.”
Lanata encourages her to pay attention to family-like resources, she said Color-coded map About risks from the State Department of Education to the community. This helps the local school district decide to close and reopen.
“Every family needs to individually address their own risks as a family and decide if it’s a good idea for them to send their children to school,” Lanata said. “Your family may have different risks, right?”
Lanata and Moffett both say that MIS-C is not contagious, but coronavirus is contagious. She and other experts encourage wearing masks, improving hygiene, and increasing social distances, especially when the school reopens next month.
On Thursday morning, West Virginia had approximately 9,000 cases of coronavirus, of which 1,800 were active.
Since March, the state has conducted approximately 378,000 tests, recording 166 deaths from COVID-19.
Emily Allen American Report A member of the corps.
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