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You can see heart disease on your face with a new algorithmic AI that looks at “self”


The new image-based algorithm uses artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze human portraits to detect and determine possible heart-related illnesses. The AI ​​can perform preliminary assessments to determine the next steps, thus simplifying the initial examination and examination of patients with heart disease.

A group of Chinese researchers has discovered a way to create a deep learning algorithm aimed at analyzing facial portraits of people and detecting if there are signs of ongoing heart disease.

of European Circulation Society Recently published Press release It describes in more detail the efforts of Chinese researchers towards heart disease decisions. “Selfie” is now available as a cheap and easy way to analyze the potential for heart disease in humans.


(Photo: Unsplash)

Screening tools developed for heart disease require the analysis of four patient images for an initial assessment. This minimizes the need to take further steps to get sick and to know the illness from within.

“Our ultimate goal is to develop a self-reported application for high-risk communities to assess the risk of heart disease before going to the clinic.” AI Principal Investigator, National Professor Zhe Zhang, deputy director of the Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, deputy director of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in China and Beijing.

Researchers say the algorithm is currently in development and needs to be upgraded and tested against larger groups of different ethnicities.

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Development of “Selfie” algorithm

Scientists have exploited certain factors that correlate facial features with current symptoms and the symptoms that a person is experiencing illness in their mind. Symptoms they see include gray hair, thin hair, wrinkles, wrinkles in the ear lobes, xanthelasmata (A small yellow cholesterol deposit usually found under the skin found on the eyelids), and Corneal arch (Fat and cholesterol deposits that appear as whitish, grayish, or blue opaque rings on the outer edges of a person’s cornea).

The study was conceptualized in 2017 and scientists collected 5,796 patients from eight Chinese hospitals and divided them into training (5,216 patients or 90%) and validation (580 patients or 10%) .. Their demographics and health records were also obtained for algorithmic data processing, patient x-ray angiograms, and four pictures taken by the nurse for reference.

Professor Xiang-Yang Ji said patient records did not contribute to the performance of the algorithm and said the photos were sufficient.

This algorithm outperforms currently used heart disease detection methods such as the Diamond-Forrester model and CAD consortium clinical scores. Researchers can use the validation control group to accurately detect 80% of heart diseases, 61% of which are not current.

The algorithm test group boasts 80% sensitivity and 54% specificity.

CAD “Selfie” algorithm


(Photo: Unsplash)

Algorithm mainly focuses on detection Coronary artery disease Or CAD, the most common form of heart disease known to humans. CAD is currently the leading cause of death for American citizens in both men and women.

The disease results from hardening of the arteries that prevent blood circulation from flowing to the heart muscle and other parts of the body. The accumulation of cholesterol and plaque causes this disease, mainly in the arteries, which blocks the proper flow of blood from inside.

CAD is a condition that debilitates the muscles of the heart and can even cause heart dysfunction.

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