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Houston Middle East’s Future Still Uncertain | Local news stories


Palmer – One month before the 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck November 30, 2018, that shook the South Central Alaska region and forced Houston Preparatory School students to join their older peers to form Houston Junior Sr. High School at Matt Sue Borough School District Signing a contract for an engineer to report Seismic strength of school buildings.

Now, nearly two years after the earthquake, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has yet to make a decision on whether HMS meets its 50 percent rule, necessitating a complete replacement of the school building rather than rebuilding around the existing structure.

“The structural analysis and cost estimates have shown that the administrative wing suffers from significant damage and build quality problems that will cost more to repair than to demolish and rebuild,” said Mike Brown, MSBSD’s chief operating officer. There are some issues with the build quality of the gym suite as well. However, when the architect and engineer went to this wing of the building, they decided that they could fix these problems in the gymnasium and that this cost would not exceed the cost of completely rebuilding it. “

The MSBSD School Board considered an amendment to Resolution 20-001 on Wednesday, allowing the administration wing to be demolished and completely rebuilt if determined to be cost-effective during the construction period. Brown reports that when the building was built in 1985 there was no steel reinforcement in the foundation and appendices, there was insufficient rebar in the walls, the girder connections and bond girders were not pavement, and incorrect welds and steel connections were installed causing malfunctions in all Around the management wing when the earthquake struck. In June, Brown submitted a cost estimate of $ 31 million to replace the separation wing and repair the administrative wing and gymnasium. If only the building is repaired, it can only meet 62 percent of the existing building code, as it can fully comply if it is demolished and completely rebuilt. A preliminary estimate of only $ 15 million was provided to repair the existing structure, $ 34.5 million to repair the administrative wing and gymnasium and completely replace the classroom wing, and $ 48 million to completely demolish and rebuild the building.

“It’s important to remember that these are cost estimates and until we get this design out on the street for competitive bidding, we don’t quite know what those numbers will be and usually your cost estimates will be,” Brown said, he’s conservative, so they’re going to build in a room until they don’t value the project. According to what it was actually created for.

Board member Ryan Bonder asked whether a faulty construction in 1985 would be a reason to sue the builders. Board member Jim Hart asked if the other buildings had similar problems built around the same time.

“We already have an engineer who goes out and looks at all buildings by following a federally defined process to determine where we should invest money to do earthquake mitigation,” Brown said.

Board member Ole Larson wondered out loud why the entire building might not be rebuilt if the cost estimate was only slightly higher. The Board of Directors decision approved on August 6 has been amended to clarify the advantages of the new construction of the administrative wing.

“If two-thirds of the building does not pass the earthquake due to building codes at the time, I don’t see how the gymnasium will not be in the same predicament and if rebuilding the gymnasium is within a million dollars or so, I don’t know why we don’t tear up the entire complex and start over.” Larson said. “I would like to know what is the difference between building a new sports complex versus repairing the old one. It makes no sense if you are going to do two-thirds of the building, why not do it all.”

Board members questioned whether another amendment was needed to allow for a complete reconstruction if needed. Brown said the measure was not necessary on Wednesday, and the school board can present the current decision to their joint meeting with the assembly on September 8.

“Not all hope is wasted. There is still hope even though two years have passed,” said Supervisor Dr. Randy Trani.

Brown said he hoped the decision would be fully approved to bid for contractors by late September.


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