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A Great Greek Adventure: Elafonisos, Quake Island | Food, travel and travel


In ancient times, the land that now forms the tiny island of Elafonisos was connected to the mainland as a peninsula. As is common in mountain landscapes in Greece, violent earthquakes struck the ground and eventually separated Elafonisos from the rest of the Peloponnese in 375 AD. The distance between the island and the mainland part called Laconia is just two meters and can be reached by boat that is able to accommodate transportation by car and delivers you in less than ten minutes. The round trip cost is around twenty euros and will quickly transport you to this hidden gem in the Aegean.

The history of Elafonisos is very ancient and detailed due to its small size. A small piece of land is still visible today, from the larger Pavlopetri region. This was a town located on the flooded plot of land between Elafonisos and the mainland. It is considered the oldest known submerged city in the world. It is believed that people who lived in Pavlopetri began to inhabit it sometime during the Neolithic period or around 6000 BC. Thousands of years earlier, geologists reported that all islands in this region including Elafonisos, Kythira, and Antikythira were connected by land. Over thousands of years, the sea began to rise above the earth and gave us the Aegean islands we see today. The discovery and study of the Pavlopetri ruins has been so rewarding with data and artifacts that the BBC has made a special documentary film focusing on the ancient settlement. The ruins are also recognized by UNESCO and are protected as Underwater Cultural Heritage.

National Herald

Elafonisos, Quake Island

Within Pavlopetri and surrounding areas at Elafonisos, there have been finds of artifacts spanning the Bronze, Minoan, and Mycenaean ages. Elafonisos was used for strategic purposes during the Peloponnese War in 413 BC. Its location at sea and its proximity to the mainland make it an ideal location to spot invaders and also to attack them unawares. The small island is located at a reasonable distance from both eastern and western Greece with respect to sea routes. This also made Elafonisos vulnerable, and it has been invaded many times over the generations. Due to these invasions, the island did not have a permanent population for centuries. After much conflict and confusion, Elafonisos was officially accepted as part of the Greek state on July 6, 1850. This was not without much back and forth, but ultimately thanks to the earlier efforts of the then-ruler of Greece, Ioannis Kapodistrias and later Foreign Minister Andreas Lundos, England On signing a treaty on Elafonisos to Greece.

Today, there are people who live in Elafonisos or the coast next door to it throughout the year and have developed a vibrant culture on the island. Every year, festivals and celebrations are held unique to the island, such as its personal Independence Day on the 6th of July, the day the island officially became part of Greece. On December 12, Saint Spyridon is celebrated, who is honored as Savior of Elefonius. There is a church dedicated to the saint on a jetty in the waters next to the island’s main port. Next to the church there is a small berth and a place to download visitors and their cars. Around the harbor is the cozy main town of Elafonisos and at the long edge of the water you’ll find many traditional tavernas and little cafés. Residences in the city consist of at least half of them hotels and guest rooms. There is a small beach here in town but the best beach on the island is on the other side of the mountain which is in the center of Elafonisos

Simos Beach is the most popular attraction for visitors to the island. It’s a sandy beach that feels super soft under your feet. Seamus consists of two parts, the first side is a standard beach with a long and straight coastline, and the other side has a peninsula that extends to the sea. At the far end of the shore, the peninsula is not very large and consists mostly of a high hill. On either side of the narrow plot of land leading to this hill is the sandy beach. If you travel to Seamus Beach, the hill walk is highly recommended, as you will enjoy a panoramic view of the landscape and the unique beach. At the far end of the beach near the peninsula, the water remains as shallow as a sandbar. This contributes to the water’s crystal blue color as it shines from the white sand. The sides of this relatively large beach are organized and have beach chairs for rent along with a cantina.

National Herald

Elafonisos, Quake Island.

Although Simos Beach is the most popular, there are other great swimming spots around the island. In the second most developed area of ​​Elafonisos which is called Kato Nisi, there is a small beach called Panagia Beach. This beach is ideal for sunset lovers who want to end their day sitting on the waves. Across the water you can see three smaller land masses, barely noticeable islands, likely formed as a result of the same natural influences that separated Elafonisos from the mainland in Laconia. Panagia Beach is surrounded by a pub restaurant and a few villas or guesthouses. The Kato Nissi area is home to a few small churches on its hills. Aglyftis Beach is at the far end of the island, with the chapel of Agios Patapios built there right next to the water’s edge.

Elafonisos may be one of the smallest islands in the group of Greece, but its history is varied and goes back to the beginning of ancient Greek civilization. Its proximity to the mainland makes it a quick ferry ride to the shore, but its separation by the sea keeps it aloof. There are no big cities and noisy shopping districts, but this is part of Elafonisos’s charm! The sand is soft and the water is absolutely pure. Elafonisos Island is a must-see along your Peloponnese tours.


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