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Astonishing statistics on how the coronavirus affected the mental health of Americans


Coronavirus pandemics are certainly difficult for everyone.

But for a significant percentage of Americans, it raises mental health concerns, even from the idea of ​​anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and even suicide. We should count these as a consequence of pandemics and strive to understand and address them.

Researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Harvard Medical School, and Melbourne, Australia, were randomly selected in June to partner with the Utah company Qualtrics to understand how these problems are spreading. An online survey was conducted on 5,412 adults. The survey was weighted to match the demographic characteristics of the American population, as determined by the 2010 Census. They deleted a study that showed anomalous response patterns that were likely in terms of browser attention, speed of response, or entered by a robot. In other words, they did what you wanted to see in a well-controlled survey.

A survey found that 26% of respondents had symptoms of anxiety and 24% had depressive disorders. That’s an increase from June 2019, when 8% of Americans had anxiety symptoms, compared to just 7% with depressive symptoms.

Meanwhile, 13% of respondents said they started or increased substance abuse to address pandemic-related stress. Also, 11% of respondents have been serious about suicide in the last 30 days.

Overall, 41% of Americans had some form of mental health.

In the study, the numbers of men and women were quite similar. About 32% of women had symptoms of anxiety and depression, compared to 30% of men. However, more men turned to the substance (14% to 12%) and quite a few considered suicide (13% to 9%).

Age division was fascinating. Adolescents were approximately eight times more likely to experience symptoms of mental health. Nearly a quarter of them turned to substances to deal with emotions, compared to just 3% of the elderly. The same split was seen in those who considered suicide.

Whites and blacks shared a prevalence of similar disability symptoms, but blacks were almost twice as likely to use or abuse the substance or consider suicide. Asians reported fewer symptoms than other races, but Hispanics Most affected by pandemics Highest rate of symptoms, substance abuse and suicidal ideation.

By the way, there was virtually no difference between urban and rural respondents in any category.

The study also analyzed people’s reactions by income level. Again, the trend was interesting. As people made more and more money, they were more isolated from the anxiety and depression caused by pandemics. On the other hand, people with higher incomes are more likely to use drugs and consider suicide.

Looking at the answers by educational background, we can see the same tendency. This is to be expected given the correlation between education and income.

I found the breakdown by job type interesting. Those with jobs labeled as essential were more likely to suffer from symptoms of anxiety and depression than 35% to 21% of non-essential workers. In fact, those who did important jobs were more likely to show the symptoms than those who were completely unemployed. Significant employees were 2.5 times more likely to initiate use or abuse of the substance and 3 times more likely to be suicidal.

The worst job was not a job at all. Those who reported being responsible for caring for adults at home during a pandemic had the highest incidence of symptoms of mental disorders, drug use, and suicidal ideation. These are tremendous numbers and as a society, we need to focus on those who are helping those in need.

Pandemic experience

The most amazing result for me was when researchers asked about people’s personal experiences with pandemics. Those who did not know who had a positive COVID-19 test were found to be slightly more likely to experience anxiety and depression than those who did. They were also quite likely to have thought about suicide. The same was true when asked if he knew of a person who died of illness.

It’s difficult to understand exactly what’s going on here. Keep in mind that it is statistically unlikely that older people will experience these negative psychological effects.

There is also Well documented research In general, it indicates that the psychological effects of anxiety about something that has not yet occurred are often worse than the psychological effects of the occurrence of the actual event. These effects are also seen.

Given the consequences, one might wonder which part of the pandemic is more mentally taxed: the case and death itself, or the secondary effects of recession and lockdown?

You can reasonably compare where a strict lockdown was made to where it was almost open. Italy and Sweden are two such countries, 30% of Sweden They felt moderate or severe depression compared to 32% of Italians. It doesn’t make much difference!

Even if you look like this State-specific data.. The states with the most anxiety and depression in the country are usually the ones where the pandemic suffered the most in the week, not the ones with the most government blockades.

It’s a bit similar Economic data analyzed so far: Generally, people make economic decisions based primarily on how they feel about the strength of the coronavirus in the community at the time. It’s not how the government reacts to the virus. Our mental health reactions aren’t as deliberate as our economic choices, but they seem to work much the same way.

What if you or your loved ones have a significant impact on your mental health as a result of a pandemic? CDC Set up the site We have resources for that, such as a hotline to talk to people and tips and tricks to reduce stress levels.

Technology has also significantly lowered the barriers to access therapy. Apps like BetterHelp or TalkSpace links clients to specialist therapists nationwide for a cheaper and safer visit than face-to-face therapy. Many apps and face-to-face therapists have options for low-income patients and those who do not have health insurance. Even in a pandemic, the help is really there.

And that could be the backing of silver for this new study: It’s terrifying how much mental health symptoms soared during a pandemic, but they are definitely not as lonely as they think. Absent. In this crazy world, there are communities of understanding, even though communication is more difficult.

Many people are experiencing so much, so try not to make their lives harder. If you have the time to be supportive, compassionate, empathetic, and kind, then now.

Andy Larsen is a Salt Lake Tribune Sports Reporter covering Utah Jazz. During this crisis, he was assigned to delve into the numbers surrounding the coronavirus. You can reach Andy [email protected] Or Twitter @Andyblarsen..

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