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Research suggests that women may have a better immune response to COVID-19 than men


Toronto-A new study found that women may have a better immune response than men to eradicate COVID-19 infections, for reasons unknown to researchers.

the studyA study conducted by Women’s Health Research at Yale University found that men with COVID-19 severe cases were more likely to die and die than women.

Researchers in the United States have discovered that female patients mount a “stronger and lasting T cell response” than male patients when exposed to the new coronavirus.

Studies show that T cells, a type of white blood cell, help the infected immune system to eliminate infected cells. Researchers report that poor T cell response to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, worsens male disease outcomes.

Published Wednesday in the medical journal Nature, the study evaluated 98 patients over the age of 18 and was admitted to the Yale University New Haven Hospital with mild to moderate illness with positive COVID-19 tests. Did. Patients averaged 61-64 years.

The researchers collected nasal, saliva, and blood samples from uninfected control subjects and sick patients. The team followed the patients over time to see how early-stage immune responses differ between those who recover from the disease and those who progress to worse.

Previous research The severity of COVID-19 tends to be higher than women than men, Study of 17 million adults They found that men could face almost twice the risk of illness deaths than their female counterparts.

The trend is First seen in ChinaIn one study, female mortality was 1.7%, whereas male mortality was 2.8%.

This pattern has been featured in France, Spain, Germany, Iran, Italy, South Korea and the UK

However, it is unknown why men with COVID-19 are more likely to be affected than women, and more likely to die of the disease.

Despite not knowing why women have a better immune response, researchers behind the study may find their findings to guide a sex-based approach to the treatment and care of patients with COVID-19. I say no.

“We have clear data suggesting that the immune environment of COVID-19 patients varies considerably by gender and that these differences may underlie increased susceptibility to disease in men.” Yale medicine.. “Collectively, these data suggest that different strategies are needed to ensure that treatments and vaccines are equally effective in both women and men.”

The researchers found a major difference in immune responses between men and women in the early stages of infection, but ruled out underlying health factors that could correct the risk of poor outcome for each gender. I was warned that I could not do it.

The study found that COVID-19 patients had elevated levels of innate immune cytokines and chemokines compared to healthy controls. Researchers explained that cytokines and chemokines are signaling molecules involved in the recruitment of immune cells to sites of inflammation to promote healing.

The researchers found that cytokine levels were higher in males than in females. Excessive accumulation of cytokines in severe cases of COVID-19 can lead to fluid accumulation in the lungs, depriving the body of oxygen, leading to shock, tissue damage, and organ failure.

Studies show that the higher the level of cytokines in men, the more likely they are to have these outcomes.

This study revealed that poor T cell responses in men led to exacerbation of COVID-19. Infection was exacerbated when female patients had high levels of innate immune cytokines. In addition, older men (not older women) were found to have significantly worse T cell responses than younger patients.

Based on their findings, researchers suggest that doctors and healthcare systems seek therapeutic interventions and vaccine strategies that enhance T-cell immune responses to the virus in men and attenuate early innate immune responses in women. I will.

“These findings answer questions about COVID-19 and show the way for a more effective and targeted response to the disease,” said Carolyn M. Masle, director of women’s health research. Told medicine.

“As Dr. Iwasaki and her colleagues conclude, researchers competing to develop treatments and vaccines are different strategies for women and men so that everyone can benefit. Should be considered.”


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