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Boston area citizens make masks for coronavirus fighters – Boston Herald


Heroism emerges with each crisis.

In Boston, some of these heroes are behind sewing machines.

As the coronavirus pandemic worsens and hospitals struggle to find protective equipment, fashion designers, dressmakers, tailors and other local artisans are stepping up and volunteering to make face masks to deliver to nurses, doctors, nursing homes and health care workers.

Boston fashion designer David Josef was busy making sewing machine masks in his Waltham store on Saturday after hearing of their desperate need.

They should know that America is one billion percent behind them, said Josef of the health care workers. They are our heroes. They are on the front line. They must have them.

Josef, who dressed Diana Ross and Cher, obtained a model approved by the hospital and quickly set to work to make masks from the heaps of beautiful cotton fabrics accumulated over the years. Josefs’ husband Daniel Forrester picked up 100 meters of rubber band.

His masks include a pocket for a filter and can be washed and reused. They are pink and purple and yellow. I do everything in color, said Josef.

Josef hopes to make a hundred masks by Monday and hell will donate them to Boston hospitals, nursing homes, emergency medical technicians and caregivers to all who need them.

Like many, Josefs’ business has stopped as the pandemic wreaks havoc on the economy. Everything will come back, said Josef. Instead of staying at home, eating another chocolate cream pie and gaining more weight, it was a good way to help others but also to help myself. It also comforts me.

In Quincy, another Hub-based fashion designer, Denise Hajjar, made masks on her sewing machine in her shop in Marina Bay.

On Saturday, Hajjar went to Dorchesters Sewf Sophisticated Fabrics to buy cotton fabric for the masks. A dozen other customers, all at a safe distance, had the same idea. Tears ran down the Hajjars’ faces. It was just a nice moment, said Hajjar.

The Hajjars company is also at a standstill.

Now I have this time, and I have this skill that was given to me, so I want to make good use of it, said Hajjar. We just want to do our part to give people what they need so they can try to help the sick.

From noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, Boston City Councilor Annissa Essaibi-George plans to make home-sewn masks in her Dorchester yarn store, Stitch House, while organizing virtual sewing for artisans who wish to make likewise.

We were all grappling with how we can contribute and help, said Essaibi-George, who said the masks can be dropped off at his store and will be donated to Hub Hospitals.

When Hub lawyer and community activist Linda Champion learned of the urgent need for masks, her father, Young Nam, a tailor who makes men’s suits, and her mother, Tae Nam, who sewed jeans for Levis, offered their sewing talents.

Champion sent the CDC masks instructions to his father. The couple went to the fabric store and started making masks, hoping to sew 300 masks a day.

If we can’t have them made and brought in, said Champion, someone has to make them.

Everyone has their talents. Fortunately, these people put them to incredible use when we need them more than ever.

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