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If Ahok said what’s wrong


AYOBANDUNG.COM – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) plans to appoint the head of the New Capital Authority Agency (Ceo), which will be built in two regencies, namely parts of the regency of Penajam Utara Utara and other parts of the regency of Kutai Kartanegara in the province of East Kalimantan (East Kalimantan).

There are three names included in the nomination scholarship for the head of the new capital authority, namely the name Basuki Tjahya Purnama (BTP) Ahok, former governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, currently president president of PT Pertamina. Then the former head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Bambang Brojonegoro, who is now Minister of Research and Technology / Head of the National Agency for Research on Innovation.

After that, Abdullah Azwar Anas, managing director of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tumiyana, and the regent of the regency of Banyu Wangi, Abdullah Azwar Anas, also cited the name of the candidate for the head of the New Capital Authority Agency.

The appointment of the CEO of the new capital is the prerogative of the President, since the CEO of the new capital is a ministerial-level position which has a very comprehensive task. From the preparation, from the set up to process the transfer itself.

The New Capital Authority Agency also has authority over land and land management to ensure that the development process for the new capital is well managed at the central level.

Although many doubt that the transfer of the new capital can be completed in 2024, given the budget that must be prepared to build infrastructure in the new capital, and given that Jokowi’s mandate in the presidency of the two preodes will end the same year.

But all of this has not dampened President Jokowi’s intention to continue moving the capital of DKI Jakarta to a new location. Even on December 23, 2019, the government approved the design of a new capital development under the title Negara Rimba Nusa, the creation of designers of urban groups.

The government has also asked three international figures to be invited as board members, the Crown Prince of Abudhabi, Syech Mohammad Zayed bin Al Nayan, Ceo Softbank, Mayoshi Son and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

It is expected that in the near future, the government will submit a new capital bill (RUU) to the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPRRI) and sign a presidential decree (Keppres) regarding the appointment of the head of the New Capital Authority. Agency as a legal framework.

If Ahok said:

So far, President Jokowi has not signed a decree on the appointment of the head of the New Capital Authority Agency. But the rejection of Ahok’s voice has been heard across the country.

Most of the reasons for Ahok’s refusal to be appointed CEO of the new capital were only seen on the basis of religious sentiment.

However, Ahok sincerely served his sentence for two years at the headquarters of the command of the Mobile Brigade (Brimob) (Mako).

Taroklah If President Jokowi appoints Ahok as CEO of the new capital, is there a problem with the appointment of Ahok?

Of course, there is nothing wrong with President Jokowi appointing Ahok as the head of the New Capital Authority Agency, as long as Ahok meets the requirements and complies with the rules and is not in conflict with the applicable laws and regulations. Every Indonesian nation, including Ahok, has the right to run an institution in the country, as long as it meets the requirements and according to the rules and is not in conflict with the rules and regulations.

The important thing is that the person appointed by the president must have a complete and formal legality, then have the capacity and the capacities which have the capacity to exercise his functions of chief of the new authority of the capital, and have skills the area in which she will be involved. And in accordance with the rules and does not conflict with regulations and legislation.

If Ahok really has kateria, what’s wrong with President Jokowi who chose Ahok as head of the New Capital Authority Agency. And it doesn’t hurt either if Ahok does the job. Although Ahok is of Chinese (Chinese) origin, Ahok is an Indonesian citizen, born and raised and serving in Indonesia. Ahok has the same rights and obligations as other Indonesian citizens.

So far, Ahok is still the number of state officials who are immune to the practices of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN). When he was governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahok set up a transparent and online budget system, even connecting directly to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

This was done by Ahok to prevent the diversion of the budget use made by his subordinates, so that his subordinates must be careful with the use of budgets from public money. Perhaps because of this, Ahok was also hated by unscrupulous elements who felt disturbed by the policies he had made as governor.

In fact, what Ahok has done with his policy as governor is only in the interest of the people of DKI Jakarta, in order to save public funds for the development of DKI Jakarta for the people of DKI Jakarta.

Need a clean leader:

To be appointed head of the New Capital Authority Agency, a vigur is required which is specific to KKN practices. The one who will be chosen by the president will be someone who has tested his skills and abilities and who has skills in the area of ​​the functions he will perform.

Because the position of head of the New Capital Authority Agency is vulnerable to the practice of KKN, it is because the position of head of the New Capital Authority Agency has full authority over infrastructure development and the acquisition of land. Do not take the acquired land, it does not all belong to the State for the new capital, but rather a part of it is private property.

To avoid the appearance of KKN practices in the body of the New Capital Authority Agency, it is necessary to have a figure of candidates for the head of the New Capital Authority Agency who are specific to the practices of KKN practices, and this is good in the selection of candidates for the head of the New Capital Authority Agency involving the KPK.

For the Indonesian people, they must be clear-minded and not need to be too noisy. The one who will be chosen later by the president at the head of the new authority of the capital, is the victorious vigur who has skills in their fields.

As a democratic country, anyone can express their opinions and pose problems as long as they have the right argument. Not only express opinions, but what is the reason for feelings that contain ethnic, religious, racial and intergroup groups (SARA). We believe that this nation has progressed in democracy. Fortunately!

Vishnu AJ.

Netizen: Vishnu AJ
Vishnu AJ

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