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What the Yankees are posting on social media during the coronavirus pandemic and the delay in opening day


In self-quarantine or working from home, many have turned to social media to pass the time during the new coronavirus pandemic … including professional athletes.

With spring training suspended and the regular season delayed by eight weeks due to COVID-19, countless MLB players have returned home, dispersing across the country and around the world.

Even those who have chosen to stay in the spring facilities of their respective franchises can only engage in informal workouts, if available.they still have a lot of free time available.

So how are Yankee players coping with the coronavirus pandemic and the delay in opening day on social media?

It is not surprising that these ball players yearn for the return of baseball.

New York starting shortstop Gleyber Torres, just two days after MLB originally postponed the opening of the regular season, couldn’t wait any longer.

We feel you, Gleyber. We feel you.

According to a statement released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) last week, it is recommended that gatherings with more than 50 people in attendance be canceled for the next eight weeks. Therefore, we could all check our watch while waiting for the return of baseball for a while.

As a distraction, some major Yankee leaguers have turned to video games. More time in the hands of the Bombers means more opportunities to play certain games with the Yankees“Fiercely competitive” Madden NFL League. You know the National Wild League?

The 12 Yankees involved accelerated until the end of their season, before the post-season game. In the league, the raising commissioner of the league, Tommy Kahnle, fell short in front of another member of the pen of New York, the right-hander Ben Heller.

Heller, who played as the Indianapolis Colts, said on Twitter that he had eliminated the favorite in the final game.

The big leagues of the Yankees are not the only ones to play during this prolonged off-season. Many Minor League players, who are still in self-quarantine after two players test positive for COVID-19, spend time in their hotel roomsin Tampa by perfecting their MLB The ShowandCall of Dutyskills.

READ: How the latest test on Aaron Judge’s coast affects the chances that the Yankees hitter is ready for opening day

If they don’t play together, it’s only a matter of time until the Yanks start scrolling through the latest updates in their social media timelines. Giancarlo Stanton and Luke Voit both decided to give their opinion on two separate tweets.

Stanton posted a video of a young baseball player swinging a Yankees No. 27 jersey who launched a home run without a doubt in what looked like a home run derby.

In the video, as the child watches the ball pass over the fence in the left central field, he unleashed a mammoth bat knocking down the bat almost hit the pitcher’s mound.

“I will be inside to practice my Batflips now,” wrote Stanton.

Delaying the regular season is a disguised blessing for players like Stanton who otherwise would not have been healthy for the opening day as originally planned. With more time to recover from his grade 1 right calf strain, the hitter may be available at the start of the season.

Whether or not he uses a bat flip like this during his first home run of the season remains to be seen.

From one slugger to the next, Voit also republished something on Twitter that got many baseball fans talking.

A trend is circulating on social networks where users reveal their baseball alignments. Sees, responding to his former teammate and now St. Louis Cardinals cop ace, Jack Flaherty, released his starting record as new (with a designated batter, of course).

What do you think? Sees went with a few controversial choices like Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire. And although he included Babe Ruth, he omitted another great Yankees recently elected to the Hall of Fame …

Finally, a comforting post that will make you smile.

On Friday, in honor of his eighth wedding anniversary, New York right-hander Masahiro Tanaka posted a photo of him and his wife. The legend, in Japanese, reveals March 20 as the couple’s anniversary date, with a message thanking his wife for the present and their future together.

He’s really taking off this plaid suit, isn’t he?

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To find out more about Max Goodman, follow him on Twitter @MaxTGoodman. Follow ITP on Twitter @SI_Yankees and Facebook @SIYankees

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