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Moderna increases minority numbers in its vaccine trial but still fails to meet Forch’s goals


Modelna, which launched the first phase 3 clinical trial of a coronavirus vaccine in the United States, increased its minority registration this week, but has not yet reached the level required by Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Laboratory. Allergies and infectious diseases.

So far, 24% of the study participants are “from the color community.” Company website And Twitter account.. The company said last week that 18% of its participants were minorities, including “blacks or African Americans, Latin, American Indians, and Alaska Natives.”

To be representative, vaccine trials need to enroll minorities at a similar rate to their representatives in the population. According to Moderna, 24% are far below that mark. About 18% of the US population is Latino, 13% is Black, and just over 1% is American Indian or Alaskan Native. US Census data.

Fauci recently told CNN that it wants to see minorities registered for trials of coronavirus vaccines at levels at least twice the percentage of the population, as Covid-19 struck these groups particularly hard. This means that at least 66.4% of volunteers come from these four groups.

Fauci said this number is a goal and not a requirement, but adds that if Moderna does not meet the correct percentage of the minority by the time it reaches 30,000 study subjects, the trial should continue to be recruited. It was

“We’ll keep going until we get there. Maybe we just need more volunteers [30,000],” He said.

Moderna plans to enroll 30,000 people, with 17,458 enrolled as of Friday.

Fina is the only US company in the Phase 3 trial of the coronavirus vaccine and has declined to reveal what percentage of participants so far are minorities.

During a phone call with reporters on Friday, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services VP Deputy Director of Policy Paul Mango said two ongoing Phase 3 vaccine trials “beyond the midpoint” of registration in the U.S. Said.

Mango said HHS felt very good at admission in terms of overall diversity.

“We have so many people over the age of 65. We have a lot of people with multiple chronic illnesses. There is Hispanic participation. There is African American participation. We’re trying to move some of the minority participation forward, but we’re very happy with these clinical trials,” he said.

The government’s efforts to develop a coronavirus vaccine, Operation Warp Speed, said it aims to deliver 300 million doses by January. This is an unprecedented speed in the history of vaccine clinical trials.

If the minority registration is inadequate, the panel of experts monitoring the exam may require recruiting more than 30,000 people in the exam.

“The Data Security Oversight Committee could delay the trial,” said Operation Warp Speed ​​official Dr. Nelson Michael. “If demographics aren’t right, we could instruct sponsors to delay registration until they reach different numbers. They say,” Basically, a single ethnic group was tested for safety and efficacy. I don’t want to develop a vaccine.” “

Recruiting a minority in a vaccine trial is important for two reasons.

For one, drugs and vaccines can have different effects on different ethnic groups.

Second, researchers need a certain percentage of volunteers to get the virus, or there is no way to know if the vaccine would work. They deliberately seek out people at high risk of infection, including ethnic minorities. They are more likely to have required jobs that require face-to-face work, among others, and are likely to live in multi-generation, multi-family households, among other factors.

Employment of ethnic minorities Abuse heritage Current injustices in the medical system against minorities as well as minorities in medical research

Overall, Moderna’s recruitment jumped significantly from 13,194 to 17,458 last week. If the company continues to recruit at the same rate as last week, it will be able to fully register the trial by mid-September.

Registration means recruiting participants and giving them their first shot, half getting the vaccine and half getting the placebo. In other words, it is a shot that does nothing. Four weeks later, everyone receives a second injection.

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