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Stormi Webster’s quarantine style includes a pretty leopard dress – Pic – Hollywood Life


Stormi Webster’s home style could no longer be precious because the girl looked adorable in her latest outfit!

Fashion superstar in the making! Stormi Webster, 2 years old, made the most of self-isolation by training in the most shattering outfits on Saturday, March 21. Kylie jenner, 22, said on Instagram that she “dressed for no reason” in a leopard print dress and sneakers with her hair in a bun. The beauty tycoon made sure to add a little extravagance to the photo by having it pose in front of one of his many luxury cars. Kylie made fans green with envy earlier this year when she exhibited her multi-million dollar car collection, which included a $ 1.4M Ferrari LaFerrari and a $ 450,000 Rolls Royce Phantom!

Fans of the mother / daughter duo took a look at the value of Stormi in her outfit. “She looks very cute OMG!” one wrote in the comments section of a fan page while others gave her props for her major style game. The youngster’s day was not only about taking a pose in the aisle of her house, because she and Kylie also spent time decorating colorful Easter cookies together! Kylie posted Instagram stories about the two who had fun with Stormi preparing a storm with her sugar cookie concoction! “I don’t know if these are edible,” hilarious mom Kylie commented, albeit on the quiet side, as her little one added an – er – explosion of color to each cookie!

Stormi only made things cute during the sequence thanks to her incredibly soft voice! “Do we have them, mom?” Okay? “She asked Kylie as she held a bag of frosting filled with yellow frosting. The cookies were a very unique work of art as Stormi filled a lot of frosting on each one, as well as ‘a range of glitter!

Kylie showed how much she and Stormi looked alike when she shared a two-part photo on March 11 that was the KUWTK star on the left as a baby with the 2 year old child on the right. “I thought they were the same person for a second,” said a fan in the photo. I hope we will see milder moments between these two in the future!

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