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How to choose baby clothes without losing your mind


Choosing clothes for babies and children can be stressful, especially for the uninitiated. Bad clothes can mean overheating (and increased risk of SIDS in infants), skin rashes, or any other number of unlikely but still possible results that may threaten the health of your child. Fortunately, these shopping and safety clothing experts have covered you and your little ones.

Fibers and fabrics

Cotton is one of the most popular fabrics for baby and children’s clothing. “Cotton is king when it comes to clothes for children and babies, it is a bourgeois fiber,” confirms Matthew Sebra, senior fashion director at Macy’s for men and children. “Cotton has the blend of comfort and durability that lends itself to almost any body shape.” And no wonder, because it is incredibly versatile: denim, corduroy, flannel, fleece, sponge and jersey are just a few of the many cotton fabrics available. Best of all, most cotton clothes can be thrown in the washing machine, making them easy to maintain.

Polyester is also common in children’s clothing. This synthetic fiber is light, durable, dries quickly and resists wrinkles and stains, depending on the Fashion Designers Council of America. Polyester / cotton blends are common in sweatshirts and sweatpants, and 100% polyester t-shirts and pajamas are available. Polyester is also used in outerwear, liners, swimwear and children’s sports equipment.

The scoop on sizing

As you have no doubt discovered, the size varies according to the brands. This is due to the fact that some, but not all, US apparel companies use the voluntary sizing specifications published by the standards development organization. ASTM International to assign the size of the clothes.

To choose the right size for your child, “Start with age, it’s a good indicator of what will suit you,” advises Sebra. (In general, in clothes for toddlers and children, the size number indicates the age of the child to which the item is supposed to fit.) The size is most ideal depending on factors such as the size and weight. “Clothing retailers should have size charts for the brands they sell; check their websites. Local children’s clothing stores may also be able to help; staff likely know if a label tends to be big or small.

Safety by design

To avoid strangulation, the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) prohibits hood and neck cords (the kind that was common in hooded sweatshirts) in children’s clothing sizes 2T-12. Small parts, like buttons, can be a choking hazard if they come off, so make sure all fasteners and decorative items adhere securely to clothing. Better Kid Care, an educational program of Penn State Cooperative Extension, recommends that all accessories on clothing for children under three be at least 1 “in diameter and 1” in length.

The CPSC also requires sleepwear for children 9 months to 14 years old should be adjusted or flame resistant to avoid burns. Because my son’s adorable polyester fleece pajamas seemed to trigger static electricity when he turned and turned in the bed, I am now buying larger, well-fitting, non-fleece sleepwear than the one my son usually wears. The pajamas are always well adjusted, but the top does not rise on her belly or trigger sparks.

If you are concerned about the safety of a garment, you can consult the list of consumer products of the CPSC, including children’s clothing, which have been recalled. here.

Chemicals in clothing

Unfortunately, can your children’s wardrobe also contain toxic chemicals? “Flame retardants are used to help flame retardant clothing and can be found in children’s clothing, “notes Charlotte Tate, manager of labor justice campaigns for environmental health and social justice nonprofit Green America. carcinogenic gas “formaldehyde is used to keep garments without wrinkles and shrinkage,” and toxic “Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) are used to make clothing waterproof and stain-resistant.”

Allergic skin reactions are the main risk of wearing clothes treated with flame retardants, PFC, and formaldehyde, according to the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences and other government agencies. More serious health hazards, which may include damage to children’s development as well as cancers, hormonal disturbances, reproductive toxicity and effects on the immune and neurological systems are associated with ingestion (via contaminated food or drink) or inhalation of these chemicals.

However, as the authors of a 2019 study in Environmental research point out, there just isn’t a lot of research into the effects of exposure to chemicals via the tissues, and contact with skin “could lead to potential systemic risks.” Research suggest children are more likely than adults to be affected by toxins in the environment, so if you are concerned, it makes sense to avoid these chemicals.

To do this, “I would recommend parents to opt for certified organic cotton clothing,” says Tate. Look for certifications like GOTS (World standard for organic textiles), OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100, and Bluesign on the clothes; these labels “guarantee the absence of harmful chemicals”.

And because “children are constantly growing out of clothes, networking to exchange clothes, rather than buying new ones, is a great alternative for the planet, workers and your children,” adds Tate. “Used clothes that have been washed several times are a good way to avoid contact with the residual chemicals that can be found on new clothes. If you need to buy new, organic cotton is not a good idea. option, I recommend washing the garment before your child wears it. “

While you may feel overwhelmed with all the clothes you need to buy for your fast-growing offspring, with a few tips, choosing your kids’ clothes should be less exhausting. At least until they are teenagers.

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