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Auburn Launches New Coronavirus Testing Site in Renton


Renton, WA—Public Health-Seattle and King County announced two new coronavirus test sites on Monday to extend the model. Used in Seattle Offer free fast tests in communities overly affected by COVID-19.

The two newest drive-through test locations will open on Tuesday 1 September in Auburn and a week later in Renton. Between the two, public health officials want to test more than 1,500 residents daily.

“We want all people in Auburn, Renton, and South King County to utilize these and other test sites in their communities so they can keep themselves and their families safe. We are thinking, “Before the flu season comes, we need to do everything we can to reduce the rate of COVID-19 across our region.”

Here is the new free test facility:

Auburn (Opening September 1, 2020)

Renton (Opening September 8, 2020)

Although the number of new cases has recently improved in King County and most of the states, infection rates are well above the target levels in the state’s most populous counties. Public health officials are particularly focused on the southern tip of the county, where virus activity has been shown to be particularly high.

County officials want the new site to provide an easy way to test underserved communities, especially those at high risk of infection because of their work.

“Looking at public health and metro transit data, part of this challenge is that many of the people who are vital workers and communities are working live in South King County,” he said. “So doing that puts them at a higher risk and they need more access to their tests.”

In Auburn, the test site will be operated and deployed by the Puget Sound Regional Fire District and the EMT of the neighboring departments. In Renton, the test facility is operated by HealthPoint.

All tests are processed in a local lab via UW Medicine and Atlas Genomics to minimize time to results. County officials said each patient should receive results within two days.

Pre-registration is encouraged to minimize waiting times, but public health officials say that no one seeking inspection will resign.

People who may develop the symptoms of COVID-19 should be tested immediately:

  • cough
  • Breathing difficulty
  • heat
  • Loss of taste and smell
  • Muscle and body pain
  • nausea
  • diarrhea

Location location tests for King County sites are available at Public Health’s. Testing location Web page. If you need assistance with your registration, please call 206-477-3977 at the King County COVID-19 Call Center (8am-7pm, 7 days a week).

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