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If the university requires the COVID-19 contact tracking app, it must be at least safe


From Tracer round Department

One of the more frustrating aspects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic was the frankly haphazard way that too many people cast their ideas on putting everything under control without thinking completely about things. I’m as guilty of this as anyone else, and as desperate as life returns to normal. “Give me the option to get a vaccine candidate despite being in Phase 3 trials.” I noticed that I’m repeating myself. Every time I quickly realized how stupid and selfish to keep the scientific community from doing that job is right. Some people say challenge trials should be considered. There are good reasons not to.

And contact trace. While Contact trace Can become an important part of silencing the spread of viruses as infectious as COVID-19, how It is very important for us to contact the trace. Like many problems these days, I feel like I need to put in technology. After all, you can subscribe to the trace through your connected phone. Unless you have privacy concerns. You can also use the dedicated apps on your smartphone, but this is so fast that it’s almost certain that you’ll make mistakes with these apps.

It was recently discovered by Albion College in Michigan. Albion gave students two weeks before their classes on campus, Required to use Aura, a contact tracking app.. The app collects a large amount of real-time and personal data about students to turn off tracing.

However, as TechCrunch reports, Aura instead does all real-time location tracking. The app collects the student’s name, location and COVID-19 status and generates a QR code containing that information. The code will be either “certified” if the data indicates that the student has tested negatively, or “rejected” if the student did a positive test or if there is no test data. I will. In addition to tracking the student’s COV ID-19 status, the app locks the student’s ID card and revokes access to the campus building if it detects that the student has left the campus “unauthorized”.

TechCrunch used a network analysis tool to discover that the code was generated on a hidden Aura website instead of the device. TechCrunch can easily change the account number in the URL to generate new QR codes for other accounts and personal data of other individuals.

Deteriorate. One of Albion’s students was able to discover that the source code for the app also contained the Albion’s server security key. Using these, other researchers in the app have discovered that they can access any kind of data from users of the app, such as test results and personal identifying information.

Currently, Aura developers are fixing these security flaws…rear Researchers have revealed them, rear The school required the use of the app. If you want to bet that these are the only two flaws in this app’s privacy and security, they certainly don’t want to have too much money.

For clarity, many other schools are also trying to understand how to connect to traces using technology. And perhaps technology is used in all this, with an acceptable level of risk associated with the benefits of controlling this terrible pandemic.

But turning off the half cock does not help. In fact only In the future, public confidence in contact tracking attempts will decline. This is the last thing we need.

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Submitted below: Academia, Contact trace, COVID-19, Mandatory, relief, student
Company: Albion University, aura

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