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The alarm rang about the situation of the poliovirus in Pakistan. Possibility of future outbreaks, IMB report


Healthcare workers give polio vaccinations to children during vaccination campaign in Gazni, Afghanistan, January 27, 2020

(I said Momin Zadar/Xinhua)

The Independent Oversight Board (IMB) expressed serious concern about the increasing prevalence of polioviruses in Pakistan in its latest assessment of the global polio eradication program, and Pakistan has sought to eradicate the virus from the country. If we do not adopt transformative measures to eradicate, the situation can be disastrous for the next six months.

The report emphasizes that Pakistan is at risk of a wild poliovirus epidemic, with at least 500 cases by the end of 2020 and 1,000 vaccine-derived poliovirus cases. ..

The 18th IMB report warns that Pakistan needs immediate action to eradicate poliovirus and make changes to its implementation strategy. Or, “The wheels come off the Pakistani bus.”

“Unless the well-planned and continued polio vaccination is restarted for the rest of 2020, the consequences of an unavoidable outbreak of both types of poliovirus will be Pakistan, Afghanistan, and perhaps other countries. But it will be equally miserable,” said the IMB report.

The report also raises significant concerns about the outbreak of poliovirus in places previously declared polio-free.

The IMB team received detailed explanations from Zafar Mirza, former Prime Minister’s Assistant to the Minister of Health, with the coordination of the National Emergency Operations Center and representatives of the Pakistan Army.

But Mirza’s “unexpected” departure occurred while the IMB report was being edited.

The report also emphasizes that nobody is currently focused on the prime minister to eradicate polio in the country. The report also argues that Zafar Mirza had a heavy workload that “inevitably meant that his time on polio was under severe pressure.”

The report also highlights the factors behind the failure to control the spread of the poliovirus in Pakistan, arguing that the program has receded due to “a lack of political unity.”

“At a meeting in November 2019, Mirza announced that she would consolidate all political parties and interests into a regular meeting at the national level. But doctors later said that formal meetings of this kind have not yet taken place.” Talking about changes in his approach to engaging in political leadership through “behind the scenes” strategies.

“This sends a confusing message about the government’s ability and determination to create a clear and nonpartisan commitment to everything needed to successfully eradicate polio.”

Pakistan is one of the few countries in the world where polioviruses remain active.

The report calls for Pakistan to take prompt steps to ensure that the virus is eradicated from the soil, and that precautions need to be taken within 6 months before the virus spreads like a wildfire. Insisted there is.


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