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Europe Can Control Covid-19 With Local Lockdown


A regional director of the World Health Organization said Europe could live with Covid-19 without a vaccine by controlling outbreaks in a local blockade, and hopes to return to full national regulation. He added that he did not.

“The day we conquer a pandemic is not necessarily a vaccine, it is when we learn to live with a pandemic and it can be tomorrow,” said Hans Kruger.

Asked if he expected a major lockdown within the next few months to avoid a second wave of infection, he said: “no.”

“I’m optimistic, but I can’t rule out localized lockdowns,” he told SkyNews.

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In Russia, meanwhile, the number of coronavirus cases exceeded one million after 4,729 new infections were reported.

It brought the country’s total to 1,000,048.

The Russian Center for Coronavirus Crisis said 123 new deaths were confirmed in the last 24 hours.

Hong Kong launches China-led mass coronavirus test, critics demand boycott

Hong Kong is free from a coronavirus test for all residents of the Asian financial hub as mainland China-led initiatives face skepticism from the city’s medical community and the general public, prompting some activists to boycott. It was started.

The initiative began this morning with a powerful mainland team of 60 people conducting tests.

It is the first direct aid from Chinese health authorities for a semi-autonomous city fighting a pandemic.

The scheme has emerged as a politically imposed issue, with Hong Kong and Chinese authorities saying critics are trying to defile the central government.

Staff gesturing people waiting in queue at Hong Kong Coronavirus Testing Center

Healthcare workers and several activists in the Hong Kong Democratic Union called for a boycott of the plan on Sunday.

Some democracy activists have suggested that people’s DNA is collected and abused under the covers of the test.

The government dismissed what it said the sample would never be taken out of the city.

According to authorities, the number of tests will increase from about 12,000 to 500,000 per day.

Hong Kong CEO Carry Lam told regular press conferences that tests were needed to find invisible infections in society, and he told healthcare professionals that the tests were “objective. And I was encouraged to treat it professionally.”

The problem occurred at a sensitive time, and the National Security Act, which came into force in June, raises anxiety among many of Hong Kong’s 7.5 million inhabitants in their efforts to protect Beijing’s freedom. ..

Mr Lam said at a press conference that Hong Kong’s administrative, legislative and judicial powers came from Beijing.

“Our power comes from the central government’s approval of Hong Kong,” she said in a comment, likely to raise further concern that the city is heading for a more authoritarian direction.

China’s offer to test its population has seen the number of new daily cases in the former British colony grow significantly from three to three digits to one or two digits during the latest surge a few weeks ago. Because it has decreased.

About 600,000 people lined up in 141 test centers in the city applied for free tests.

Wuhan, the ground zero of the coronavirus epidemic, restarts all schools

Students wearing face masks returned to class in Wuhan, a city in central China where the coronavirus first appeared last year. The city opened its first school and kindergarten in seven months.

After the high school reopened in May, approximately 1.4 million students resumed classes at approximately 2,800 kindergartens, elementary schools and junior high schools in the city.

City officials announced last week that they planned to switch to online education in the event of a new outbreak in the school.

Students were advised to wear masks with the school and avoid buses and trains when possible.

Schools were also instructed to conduct training and training sessions to prepare for new outbreaks.

According to official figures, Wuhan accounted for 80% of China’s more than 4,600 coronavirus-related deaths and was in severe blockade for more than two months from late January.

The city also conducted a large-scale test campaign in May with 11 million residents.

China is now significantly controlling the spread of the virus, schools across the nation that were closed in late January are gradually reopening, and no new local infections with coronavirus have been reported recently.

Australia’s virus hotspot kills two weeks low

Victoria, Australia’s second most populous state, is the epicenter of domestic Covid-19 infections, with virus-related mortality rising to a two-week low as the second wave outbreak eases I have reported.

According to the state, five people have died in Covid-19 over the past 24 hours, the lowest rate of increase in a day since August 15. On the other hand, 70 people were positive for coronavirus for the first time in 7 weeks.

The decline in the number of new cases occurs when the state capital, Melbourne, begins the fourth week of a six-week lockdown, where residents are locked in at home, night curfew is imposed, and most of the state’s economy goes down. Was ordered to close.

The restrictions will be relaxed later this month and Chancellor Daniel Andrews will detail a timetable for relaxing the curb on Sunday.

Health officials said Victoria is expected to reduce daily new infections by nearly an order of magnitude.

Australia has recorded nearly 26,000 Covid-19 infections and 657 deaths from the virus, far less than many other developed nations, but regulations to slow the spread of the virus have a major economic impact. I gave it.

French companies have week to adopt new face mask rules

Employment minister Elizabeth Bornet said it could take a week for French companies to adopt new and strict rules for forced wearing face masks in the workplace to curb the spread of Covid-19.

Borne told LCI TV that he doesn’t need to wear a mask in an open-plan workspace where there are relatively few staff working alone or with large spaces between workers.

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