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Finding Traction: LAFC 5, San Jose Earthquakes 1


Los Angeles Football Club cut their two-game losing streak with a resounding 5-1 victory over San Jose Earthquakes on Wednesday at Bank of California.

The victory was a necessary consequence after LAFC lost consecutive matches for the first time in two years, with Bob Bradley admitting that the team had appeared to have lost some focus in recent times. But the result was a vintage performance at LAFC, with Diego Rossi scoring twice and black and gold dominating the game throughout the match.

Bob Bradley introduced changes in this match, bringing Pablo Sisenega into the net for Kenneth Vermeer, as well as transferring Tristan Blackmon to the center of defense for Diane Jakovic, transferring Latif Blessing to the right back, and bringing Francisco Genela into the open spot for Blessing. Midline.

LAFC got a wide open look in the third minute, as Blackmon was wide open in the 6-yard corner with a corner kick, but the ball hit it and went past the goal. Cannons damn that opportunity.

But they found the opening goal in the 21st minute, thanks to striker Diego Rossi. The Uruguayan player had an impressive display of calm, and his shot from the left flank left COEX goalkeeper Daniel Vega helpless to stop it.

Earthquakes nearly ruled the game in the 34th minute, with Jackson Yoel’s free kick shot within inches of the crossbar, and Cesnega didn’t have to stop at that time.

After the break, LAFC doubled their lead after a few minutes into the second half, as Earthquakes’ spin in midfield resulted in a quick counterattack, as Bradley Wright Phillips beat Vega to finish play and get the score.

LAFC then hit it from there, with Jose Cefoents scoring his first goal for the club in the 64th minute.

But they didn’t finish, as Rossi scored his second goal of the night with a brilliant finish.

Danny Mosowski came off the bench and scored a nice goal to send the score in the 84th minute, fed by substitute teammate Andy Najjar. Mosowski’s first goal was with the club.

The only drawback that night was that Danny Hosen was knocked off the bench and scored a condolence goal in the final kick of the match for Lyrthquakes, messing up Cisenega’s clean net.

But overall it was a great result. LAFC looked like they were about to swing, but they arrived and won, in branding style. Now, let’s see if that patch of rock is just an image.

LAFC is back in action Sunday with a big game, as they will face LA Galaxy again, this time at Dignity Health Sports Park. Galaxy flying, having won all of their matches since playing LAFC last time, but this gold and black win over Earthquakes will help them have some confidence after a few tough results. As always, it should be a lot of fun.

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