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Number of coronavirus cases in Victoria reaches 466 as Prime Minister Daniel Andrews proposes tougher arrest measures



March 25, 2020 9:53:45 AM

Victorian Prime Minister Daniel Andrews warned that further arrest measures were imminent, as confirmed cases of the state’s coronavirus increased from 55 to 466.

Key points:

  • Andrews said each state could go to a more complete shutdown before the national cabinet does
  • He said Victoria was “in step” with NSW’s response to the virus
  • He told the Victorians to stay home where they could, warning “no party is worth someone’s life”

It follows a meeting of the national cabinet on Tuesday evening, during which the heads of state, territory and federal enlarged a list of prohibited activities in order to slow the spread of COVID-19.

The measures have been decided by the National Cabinet, but will be applied by the various states and territories.

Andrews said states should soon take individual action as the pandemic was at different stages in different parts of the country.

He said the list of restrictions announced last night was “the second step” in the state’s response to the coronaviruses, but warned “there will be a third step”.

“The exact nature of these measurements and when they happen, I will stand here and explain very clearly and directly to the Victorians what they need to do at this point,” said Andrews.

“But right now, if you can stay at home, you have to stay at home. You shouldn’t have friends for dinner, you shouldn’t go shopping if you don’t need it.”

“No party is worth someone’s life.”

Andrews said he was in constant conversation with his New South Wales counterpart, Gladys Berejiklian, and that the two states were “doing what needs to be done.”

Your questions on the coronavirus have been answered:

Prime Minister and Minister of Health Jenny Mikakos said some of the state-confirmed cases were health workers.

“All of these healthcare workers are in stable condition. This really speaks to the risk that is involved here. Unfortunately we will have more healthcare workers diagnosed with COVID-19,” said Ms. Mikakos.

“I cannot overstate the fact that our healthcare workers are putting their lives on the line.

“We should all do our part to save our health care system.”

“You can’t queue for intensive care,” warns Prime Minister

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the list of businesses and activities that must end before midnight tonight included amusement parks, game centers, health clubs, swimming pools, galleries, houses auctions, real estate auctions and beauty treatments.

Weddings are limited to five people and a maximum of 10 people can attend the funeral.

Schools will remain open at this stage of the coronavirus response, although Victoria this week ended the school term early.

Andrews warned that it would not be a regular school vacation.

He reiterated his calls for Victorians to follow hygienic practices such as coughing in the elbows and staying at home when sick, and for people to practice physical distance, such as staying at least 1.5 meters from others when possible.

“No parties, it’s very, very simple. No trips to the supermarket just to hang out.

“Lives are absolutely what it is. People will not only line up for Centrelink payments, they will line up for heart and lung devices and ventilators and critical care beds. You can’t do that the queue for intensive care. “

The subjects:


diseases and disorders,


infectious-other diseases,

respiratory diseases,

state parliament,

states and territories,

emergency incidents,

emergency planning,

doctors and health professionals,











Published for the first time

March 25, 2020 8:52:01 AM

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