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Maine couples forced to postpone marriages due to coronavirus


MAINE, USA It is considered one of the best days of your life, but due to the coronavirus, COVID-19, many of these marriages are pending.

Tiffani and Jake Parker were supposed to get married in April.

“We met online about 4 years ago and he came here on an A-K-1 fiancé visa,” said the bride, Tiffani Parker.

Jake’s family was supposed to come from England for the big day.

Now their wedding is scheduled for September, and that’s all with the coronavirus calming down in five months.

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“Even though we are both young and have no underlying conditions … we have a lot of family members who are elderly or have underlying conditions … and we we did for them, “said Tiffani Parker.

Chuck McKay is the owner of the Meadowbrook reception center in Eddington, an all-inclusive wedding venue. You only have to separate the flowers and the wedding dress.

“We do it well here, so it’s stress-free for them to report,” said McKay.

But it was not as stress-free for him.

“It’s very stressful financially because you have no income to receive for the next two months,” said McKay.

The Lucerne Inn is another popular spot that has had to scramble for new dates to accommodate its brides who were scheduled for the next two months.

“Obviously, the inquiries have almost sunk to near zero, we are receiving 20 to 30 inquiries a week and everything has been canceled,” said David Silverman, the owner of the Lucerne Inn.

“If they wanted a spring wedding, they couldn’t have it until fall or winter,” said Jayne Silverman, owner of the Lucerne Inn.

The Silvermans say they will have no problem hosting their weddings for the future and hope everything will be back to normal to be able to do so.

“The uncertainty that is the popular word in this industry right now is just huge,” said David Silverman.

The coronavirus also plays with wedding dresses.

Ruby Bhandari is a designer of wedding dresses.

“We too are closed … and now I get panic calls, if I can go into my studio and make video calls with them and I can show them what’s available,” said Bhandari.

Bhandari says that most of the cloth and silk comes from China and Italy, so she chose to buy this time in India. This week, the Indian manufacturer told him that they could not export to the United States for more than 20 days.

“Many of these dresses are finished and the biggest problem we have now is that the ones that were delivered to our studio .. people can’t come or they don’t come for them because they have to pay the rest of the dress, “said Bhandari.

“I’m doing everything I can to make it less stressful, but the tears will flow, there’s no question, it’s not turning out the way they wanted, and it’s emotional for everyone,” said McKay.

At NEWS CENTER Maine, we focus our media coverage on the facts, not on fear of illness. To see our full coverage, visit our coronavirus section here: / coronavirus

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