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Childhood inflammatory diseases associated with coronaviruses occur in Australia. This is what we know


Australia has revealed a rare inflammatory condition associated with COVID-19 in children.

Known as Childhood Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS-TS), the disease was first documented earlier this year in an outbreak of a large coronavirus abroad.

The states are listed together Kawasaki disease, It is rare because it has the same symptoms, and it can become severe.

Experts emphasize that the disease is extremely rare, but the appearance of symptoms earlier this year, and Death of a child abroad, Cause concern.

This is what we know so far.

Which child is most at risk?

This condition is seen in areas with high numbers of COVID-19 cases.

So far, the only recorded case seems to be Victoria. After Safer Care Victoria warns Thursday..

Median age 9 of the children with Victoria’s syndrome, And it is obese and is more common in boys of non-European ethnicity.

Health professionals say the symptoms of The disease appears 2 to 6 weeks after being diagnosed with COVID-19., Even children who had no symptoms.

Some children need respiratory support, and a few children abroad die of the syndrome.

Safer Care Victoria warns that more children in Australia are likely to have this condition. A rare complication..

After some restrictions have been lifted, children are playing scooters on the Las Canteras Beach promenade.
Syndrome cases usually increase in the months following the peak of COVID-19 cases in the region.(Reuters: Borja Suarez)

How many children have PIMS-TS in Australia?

David Burger, a clinician and researcher in childhood infections at the Murdoch Children’s Institute in Melbourne, said: 1 case confirmed in Australia Other possible cases are under investigation..

Professor Burgner told Australian doctors that there may have been other cases in the past, but those patients could not be conclusively diagnosed with PIMS-TS.

“Every time there is a possible case, doctors meet to discuss if it meets the criteria,” he said.

“Other cases have been discussed with varying degrees of certainty.”

Victorian doctor I was urged to look out for children who may have rare complications After it is reported Undisclosed number of Victorian children..

Cases of normal syndrome COVID-19 increase in months after peak of case In the area.

It is also worth noting 186 symptoms have been recorded in the US, by Center for Disease Control and Prevention..

That is From over 6 million cases Of domestic COVID-19.

In the United States, this condition is called multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, or MIS-C.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms include: heat, stomach ache, Diarrhea and vomiting, rash, Eye infections and heart problems..

At least half of the patients with that condition may end up with intensive care with heart problems.

Why is it related to Kawasaki disease or toxic shock syndrome?

Mainly because the symptoms are similar.

Safer Care Victoria List Toxic shock syndrome, Kawasaki disease, which then looks obvious, Kawasaki shock syndrome And Bacterial sepsis Similar to PIMS-TS but with different conditions.

In April of this year, British health authorities 12 childrenSome were positive for COVID-19 but were a serious illness in hospital with severe inflammation.

It then urges health authorities to issue a warning that the condition may be related to COVID-19 in children, or “there may be another unidentified infectious agent associated with these cases”. It was.

What did the Australian authorities have to say about PIMS-TS?

A woman and a child in colorful warm jackets stand on an autumn path.
In Australia, 200 to 300 cases of Kawasaki disease are usually diagnosed each year.(Unsplash: Kshshtov Kowalik)

When the incident occurred overseas in May, before the outbreak in Victoria,Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy told the Senate that this condition is rare..

“In countries with large numbers of infectious diseases-the United States and the United Kingdom-there is likely to be a link between the increased incidence of this condition and children with potentially positive COVID,” he said. It was

Usually there 200-300 cases of Kawasaki disease diagnosed annually in AustraliaIf you do not have COVID-19, according to the Ministry of Health.

“The CMO continues to work with pediatricians nationwide on this issue, and Australia is in a good position to pick up early signs of increased cases of Kawasaki disease, in addition to seasonal background fluctuations,” the agency said. A spokeswoman said.


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