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Swiss startup Creal is building display technology for the next generation of AR / VR headsets – TechCrunch


After years of hype, the AR / VR space has certainly become quieter in recent times, but some investors continue to merge behind a vision that technologies may one day replace the mobile if technical issues can be resolved.

Creal is a Swiss startup working on some fundamental display technologies that could make VR and AR headsets more comfortable with more realistic optics.

The startup raised $ 7.4 million in Series A last year from Investiere and DAA Capital Partners. The company announced this week that it has received a grant from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program to continue working on its light field display technology.

Bright field screens are a category of screens that are quite different from anything you’ve seen. While existing AR and VR headsets can show you stereoscopic 3D by displaying slightly different images for each of your eyes, future headsets will allow you to modify what is blurry and sharp depending on where your eyes are looking. The big optical problem that this solves is called the vergence-adaptation conflict, and it allows you to interact with objects closer to your face and functionally makes VR reading a little more effective.

Here is a demonstration “through the lens” of the startup’s technology from a video published last year:

There are different degrees of implementation of the technology. Magic Leap has deployed a light version of its technology in its helmet which exploits a pair of focal planes which are switched between them with the tracking of the eyes. This “varifocal” approach is also something in which Facebook invests; they presented prototypes of headsets that allow users to focus on several planes.

Creal faces some of the same challenges as its large business counterparts when it comes to making sacrifices in order to miniaturize technology. Integrating their technology into a virtual reality headset is the short-term goal for the company, although they have the ambition to integrate into light AR headsets over the next few years.

Start-ups that develop technologies like Creal can be particularly threatened by a global recession, when investment in pioneering technologies is generally very hard. A prolonged period of economic instability will certainly tip the scales in favor of large tech companies like Facebook, since startups that are approaching the same advances will likely be forced to get out of the roadmaps and cut costs to survive.

While Oculus has had some success recently in expanding the virtual reality market niche, augmented reality hardware has been an incredibly difficult sale for startups. A number of companies in the space closed their doors last year, including Meta, ODG and Daqri. Earlier this month, Bloomberg reported that Magic Leap is positioning for sale after raising billions of dollars in funding.

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