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Photo: TikTok, a 15-year-old girl who died after the “Benadrill Challenge”


Chloe Phillips, 15 years old, overdose and died during his participation in the TikTok Benadryl Challenge. (Photo: Family)

This is a 15-year-old high school student who accidentally committed suicide after trying a dangerous “benadrill challenge” on a social media app Tick..

Chloe Phillips overdose the drug on August 21 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The young man was drawn with a name because her story hit the headline earlier this week and her family warned others not to attempt very dangerous stunts.

Chloe’s aunt, Janet Sissy Ledger, said in a deleted Facebook post, “This needs to stop taking our children and getting them in the hospital.” Benadryl is an over-the-counter antihistamine used to treat allergies. TikTokers tried to consume the drug until the drug was high, but experts warn that it’s easy to suffer from a potentially fatal overdose of the drug.

“Don’t take children anymore,” Leisure said. “I don’t want to see a family experience what we are experiencing right now. Never say this doesn’t happen to you.”

Chloe Phillips participated in TikTok’s Benadrill Challenge, leading to her death. (Photo: Family)

Sad relatives said the teen was a “happy and smart young woman” and “had all sorts of plans for her future.”

“The kids are like “I’m okay because the others were okay”,” Leisure said. “Keep up with what your child is doing and what they are doing.”

In the Benadryl Challenge, take enough pills that are usually used to treat insomnia, among other illnesses, hallucinate and then shoot yourself to take TikTok ..

Scott Scheffer, head of the Oklahoma Poison and Drug Information Center, told KFOR the stunt could “cause something that could be life threatening.”

“Large doses of Benadryl can cause seizures, especially heart problems,” he said. “The heart tends to lose rhythm and not pump blood effectively.”

On August 27, Chloe’s funeral was held at Blanchard’s first United Methodist Church.

Chloe loves music, dance and video games, and while being a social butterfly with her friends, she’s always faithful and “showing kindness and compassion for everything she did.” Obituary.

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