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Coronavirus: 42 cases of Covid-19 on the South Island confirmed


The South Island now has 42 confirmed cases of coronavirus, a jump of 10 in 24 hours, triggering a national state of emergency.

Director General of Health Ashley Bloomfield confirmed on Wednesday that there were 50 new cases, including 47 confirmed and three likely.

This brings the total to 205 confirmed and probable cases in New Zealand.

A poster at Christchurch Hospital reminding people to sneeze at their elbows.


A poster at Christchurch Hospital reminding people to sneeze at their elbows.

A likely case is one where a person has returned a negative laboratory result, but the clinician treating the person has diagnosed them as a likely case due to their history of exposure and clinical symptoms.

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Recent cases include Wanaka, Canterbury, Dunedin, Blenheim and Marlborough.

Bloomfield said 22 people have recovered from Covid-19 so far.

Canterbury’s chief medical officer, Dr. Sue Nightingale, said earlier that more cases are expected in Canterbury.

“Isolated cases related to travel abroad or close contact with a confirmed case will be followed up by public health teams to help stop the spread,” she said.

A tourist wearing a mask waits for a bus outside Christchurch International Airport on Wednesday.

Kai Schwoerer / Getty

A tourist wearing a mask waits for a bus outside Christchurch International Airport on Wednesday.

Bloomfield said the labs were working to process and communicate the test results as quickly as possible. On Tuesday, 1,421 tests were processed across the country, with 9,780 tests to date.

Central Otago Mayor Tim Cadogan confirmed that there are now three positive cases of covid-19 in the district.

Previously, there were none.

The cases have occurred in Roxburgh, Cromwell and Alexandra and none are thought to be of community transmission, he said.

“We have always known that this would happen, although I recognize that confirmation of three cases at a time in our district will be a shock to our communities,” said Cadogan.

CONFIRMED CASES OF THE SOUTH ISLANDS: (by order of notification from the Ministry of Health)

Director General of Health Ashley Bloomfield confirmed on Wednesday that there are 50 new cases of Covid-19 across the country.


Director General of Health Ashley Bloomfield confirmed on Wednesday that there are 50 new cases of Covid-19 across the country.

1. Dunedin: woman in her thirties, flew from Denmark to Doha to Auckland on March 10 on flight QR920. She then flew Auckland to Christchurch on March 10 on flight JQ225.

2. Dunedin: A man in his forties, flew from Singapore to Auckland on March 7, flight NZ283 then Auckland to Dunedin on March 8, flight NZ675. The man’s teenage son, from Logan Park High School, also tested positive for Covid-19.

3. Dunedin: A teenager from Logan Park High School, son of the above case, had similar travel habits.

4. Invercargill: A man in his forties, who traveled from Australia to New Zealand on March 10, was not contagious during his flight.

5. Canterbury: a woman in her forties, flew from Singapore to Christchurch on March 16, flight SQ297.

6. Southern DHB: a woman in her thirties flew from London to Auckland on March 17, flight NZ1. Then flew Auckland to Christchurch on March 17, flight NZ525 before flying to Dunedin the same day on flight NZ5749.

7. Southern DHB: A man in his sixties, flew from Sydney to Christchurch on March 13, flight EK402.

8. Canterbury: A man in his 50s flew from Los Angeles to Auckland on March 14, flight AA83. Then flew Auckland to Christchurch on March 15, flight NZ535.

9. Otago: A man in his twenties flew from Los Angeles to Auckland on March 18, flight NZ554. He then flew from Auckland to Queenstown the same day on NZ615.

10. Nelson: A woman in her sixties who had contact with a traveler. New investigations are under way.

11. Nelson: Woman in her twenties, her international flights were outside the infectious period. Plane from Auckland to Nelson on March 16, flight 5065.

12. Dunedin: man in his forties, who flew from Los Angeles to Auckland on March 14, on flight NZ1. He then flew to Queenstown the same day on flight NZ615.

13. Canterbury: a woman in her 50s flew from San Francisco to Auckland on March 16 on flight NZ7. She then flew from Auckland to Christchurch on March 17 on flight NZ523.

14. Dunedin: a woman in her twenties who flew from San Francisco to Auckland on March 17 on flight NZ07. She then flew to Dunedin on March 19 on flight JQ285.

15. Canterbury: a woman in her twenties who flew from Singapore to Christchurch on March 18, on flight SQ297.

16. Tasman: a man in his twenties, details of international flights are not yet available.

17. Marlborough: A man in his 50s who flew from Sydney to Auckland on March 18 on flight QF143 and then from Auckland to Blenheim on flight NZ8205.

18. Canterbury: a man in his twenties, the details of the trip are not yet available.

19. Nelson: a 70-year-old woman, details of her trip are not yet available.

20. Nelson: a man in his forties, linked to the above case, details of the trip are not yet available.

21. Nelson: a woman in her fifties, linked to a confirmed case.

22. Waitaki: A man in his twenties, left Switzerland on March 16, flew via Abu Dhabi to New Zealand – flight EY0052.

23. West Otago: a woman in her fifties, with no history of international travel, exhibited at the Hereford World Conference in Queenstown.

24. Dunedin: A woman in her thirties, with no history of international travel, exhibited at the Hereford World Conference in Queenstown.

25. Queenstown: Adolescent, flew Dubai to Auckland on March 18 – flight EK448, Auckland to Queenstown on March 19 – flight EK7563.

26. Christchurch: a woman in her sixties, compared to a confirmed case.

27. Christchurch: a man in his sixties, parent of a confirmed case.

28. Dunedin: A man in his sixties, flew from London to LA on March 14, then from LA to Auckland on flight NZ5, flew Auckland to Dunedin on March 16 – flight NZ671.

29. Dunedin: A man in his thirties, flew from Dubai to Auckland, arrived on March 19 – flight EK447, flew from Auckland to Dunedin on March 19 – flight JQ285.

30. Nelson: an 80-year-old woman, details of her trip are not yet available.

31. Marlborough: a man in his thirties, travel details are not yet available.

32. Marlborough: a man in his sixties, travel details are not yet available.

33. Christchurch: A woman in her twenties, flew from San Francisco to Auckland, arrived on March 21 on flight NZ7, flew from Auckland to Christchurch on March 21, NZ527

34. Christchurch: a woman in her twenties, flew from London via Dubai and Sydney, arrived in Christchurch on March 13 with flight EK006

35. Canterbury: a man in his fifties, linked to a confirmed case.

36. Christchurch: man in his 50s flew from Sydney to Christchurch on March 13, flight EK412

37. Dunedin: a woman in her twenties flew from London via Dubai to Auckland on March 21, flight EK448, flew from Auckland to Dunedin on March 23 – NZ677

38. Queenstown: a woman in her thirties, travel details are not yet available.

39. Wanaka: a woman in her twenties, travel details are not yet available.

40. Canterbury: a woman in her 50s, travel details are not yet available.

41. Dunedin: a woman in her twenties, the details of the trip are not yet available.

42. Marlborough: a man in the 80s, details of the trip are not yet available.


1. Dunedin: a woman in her fifties, travel details are not yet available.

2. Canterbury: a teenager, travel details are not yet available.

3. Blenheim: a man in his twenties, the details of the trip are not yet available.

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