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Fashion historian Shelby Ivey Christie talks about black style


Fashion historian Shelby Ivey Christie talks about black style

Photo: courtesy of Shelby Ivey Christie

Black fashion literature is sacred. The amount of books that outline the black style is minimal compared to the glorification of European designers. Yet despite the lack of documentation that exists, there are writers, historians and social media pages that preserve our vital influence. In 2020, there is a group of digital historians on social media who have a passion for archival facts. From catwalks in the 90s to the facts of black fashion, they provide, preserve and enhance our history. Shelby Ivey Christie leads the pack.

Sitting with more than 26,000 followers on Twitter and 15,000 on Instagram, the historian has created a community of stylish fanatics who love fashion artifacts. His viral moments usually include news feeds such as Arthur McGee being the first black designer to have a studio on 7th Avenue or noting Josephine BakerCinematographic career. The content is endless.

Photo: courtesy of Shelby Ivey Christie

“History has always been something that fascinates me. My baccalaureate is in race, class and culture, which comes from the history department, so I am a historian. It’s something that I study the love of fashion and how it intersects with my love of history, “Christie told ESSENCE.

With Christie’s great presence on social media, her work behind the scenes is just as wonderful. Currently a master’s candidate at New York University for costume studies, she has also had the opportunity to work for companies such as With style, Vogue, and W Magazine.

“We really should be looking for younger, diverse fashion talent and how we can help these people get them to the parade.” It’s time to change a little. “

More recently, Christie previewed a TIDAL show called Fashion nuances, where she told a series and spoke with black fashion icons, including Dapper Dan and Guy Wood. While the series is “up in the air”, it has garnered glowing reviews on social media from fans hoping to see it materialize.

ESSENCE had the chance to discuss with Christie the state of black fashion, fashion week and her journey to becoming a new age digital historian.

ESSENCE: Where did your love for fashion history come from?

Shelby Ivey Christie: It’s honestly the job of a lifetime. I have been working in fashion for a long time. I did my first fashion internship at W magazine in 2011, and I worked at In the style. Before where I am now, I worked at Vogue. So I always had a love for fashion, born from my love for cinema. I remember at the very beginning Vogue fashion show, John Galliano was there in the white coat, which Dior is famous for having. I was panicked. So there were always those cases where I had this historical passion and understanding. But because I worked at Vogue, many of these brands were my customers. So I was not always free to be on the Internet and give my opinion. It was only when I left Vogue there was no longer a conflict of interest.

Photo: courtesy of Shelby Ivey Christie

There were at least eight black designers who presented at NYFW, which is a lot compared to other seasons. What do you think of the state of black fashion and NYFW?

Black designers are really strong right now. Because some of the oldest creators of New York Fashion Week are moving away from the presentation at New York Fashion Week, it is possible to get niches for black fashion talents. This freed up people’s schedules and the type of their bandwidth so they could really pay attention to black fashion designers.

Is NYFW “going down” as the critics say?

The old brands of New York Fashion Week are no longer broadcast or disseminated in different markets, as Tom Ford moves to show [in Los Angeles] in a different market. I don’t think that means that New York Fashion Week is necessarily in decline. These brands are brands that have helped launch New York Fashion Week in the past. It still shouldn’t be the same brands we’re looking for in 2020 to carry the New York Fashion Week banner. There is a time when we have to attract new talent. We should really be looking for younger and diverse fashion talents and how we can help these people get them to the parade. It’s time to change a little.

How has the power of social media helped your career?

When I worked at Vogue… I was very calm socially because of the conflict of interest. At the time, I was in a marketing position, which meant that I was working on digital campaigns for many luxury brands. It wouldn’t have been as kosher to be as noisy as I am now when I was part of the commercial strategy of these brands. Social media has certainly helped to amplify my voice and establish myself as an authority on costume and fashion. I think social media can certainly help develop your own brand, voice and content. However, you don’t really have to brand yourself online. For me, I am always very aware of the publication of my self online. I’m going to spend a month or two without posting a picture of myself. Content comes first on my platforms.


If you’re like us and want to follow Christie, check it out on Instagram, Twitter or

THE SUBJECTS: Fashion Black creatives Black fashion fashion gallery fashion news

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