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Fitness Australia shares clarification on what constitutes a gymnasium


Fitness Australia has today received clarifications regarding the ranking of gymnasiums with respect to forced closings as of noon on March 23, 2020.

Fitness Australia advises this clarification means that all gymnastics services, such as personal training, operated from an indoor facility as well as the outdoor areas connected to an indoor facility must also comply with the order.

The 2020 decree on public health (places of social gathering COVID-19), published on March 23, 2020, stipulates that all leisure facilities (indoors) must be closed to the public when a “leisure facility (inside indoor) means a building or place used primarily for indoor recreation, whether or not used for profit, including a squash court, indoor pool, gymnasium, fitness center table tennis, a health studio, a supply aisle, an ice rink or any other similar building or place used for indoor recreation. “

However, Fitness Australia general manager Barrie Elvish noted that outdoor training in a park or open space could be an alternative option in addition to online training, provided it can be delivered locally and with appropriate social distancing and strict health and hygiene practices consistent with Implementation of Fitness Australia guidelines.

Elvish said that “Fitness Australia has received advice from the office of the Minister of Health and Welfare of South Australia and from the office of the Minister of Sport and Recreation of Tasmania that outdoor training is OK if social distance and hygiene protocols are respected. Individual training in a private setting, such as someone’s home, was also found to be OK, but not in a “gym” or specially constructed fitness center.

“The safety and well-being of our community remains our top priority and we continue to work with our members to ensure that outdoor training is delivered under approved conditions.

Elvish said Personal Trainers (PTs) registered with Fitness Australia have the scope of practice to provide safe outdoor training while respecting the outdoor training guidelines, which have been updated to include COVID-19 restrictions.

Elvishe said, “People are always encouraged to train with their coach outside. If your trainer is registered with Fitness Australia, he will follow the relevant guidelines to ensure the safe delivery of outdoor training sessions.

“However, if you do not feel well or if you undertake a period of compulsory isolation of 14 days, do not leave your home.”

Fitness Australia is asking all boards in Australia to allow registered exercise professionals to access permits that would allow them to safely conduct outdoor training in a park or open space, adding, “We call on boards to provide this support to exercise professionals, many of whom are independent traders, so that they can continue to make a living and provide vital service to the community in terms of management and maintenance mental and physical health.

“Staying active during a period of isolation and uncertainty is extremely important to our mental health and as an industry, our mission is to ensure that people can continue to exercise safely.”

Fitness Australia continues to advocate for gyms to be classified as essential services given their important role in the management and maintenance of mental health and general well-being.

Elvish also noted that “Fitness Australia wants to work with the government to put in place the right measures to enable gym operators to provide vital exercise opportunities to the community to maintain and manage their physical and mental health.”

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