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Trump requests supplies from South Korea


President Donald Trump shakes hands with South Korean President Moon Jae-in during a joint press conference at the Presidential Blue House in Seoul on June 30, 2019.

Chung Sung-Jun | AFP | Getty Images

President Donald Trump asked South Korean President Moon Jae-in for medical equipment to fight coronaviruses on Tuesday, according to a state-funded news agency.

In a phone call between the two leaders, Moon said the country would provide “maximum support” if it were available, the South Korean news agency Yonhap reported.

The South Korean leader also told Trump that the support may require approval from the Food and Drug Administration, and Trump replied that he would seek approval today, the newspaper said. The type of medical equipment Trump was looking for was not immediately clear.

South Korea was praised for its rapid and effective response to COVID-19, marked by rapid mass tests. The country, which has seen its number of new daily infections generally decline in the past few weeks, has exported test kits worldwide.

The White House confirmed that the two leaders spoke on Tuesday, but did not say whether Trump had made such a request.

“Today, President Donald J. Trump and President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea discussed the respective efforts of their countries to fight the pandemic coronavirus,” said the White House. “President Trump has reiterated his commitment to use the full weight of the United States government and to work with world leaders to save lives and restore economic growth.”

The phone call lasted 23 minutes and was passed on “Trump’s urgent request,” Yonhap reported. It was the first phone call between the two leaders this year.

Moon also took advantage of the call to welcome the Federal Reserve’s decision to expand its foreign exchange program, according to Yonhap. The Fed has announced that it will extend lines called dollar swaps to central banks in a number of countries, including South Korea, as demand for dollars increases worldwide.

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