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Air Cuts Hit Bay Area Airports


SAN JOSE – Airline cutbacks have widened at the three Bay Area airports as the fallout from the coronavirus panic undermines travel and erodes passenger volumes.

So far this week, San Jose International Airport has experienced more than 200 flight cancellations, Oakland International Airport has suffered more than 150 flight cancellations, and San Francisco International Airport has experienced approximately 790 flights canceled, according to blogs that follow national airline delays and cancellations.

San Jose International Airport, which was operating at record levels, said on Tuesday that its passenger visits have plunged 46% so far in March, while the final date of the investigation indicates a further collapse more radical passenger traffic.

Southwest Airlines, a linchpin of the international airports of San Jose, Oakland and San Francisco, has suspended all international flights, announced that it would cut more than a third of its daily flights and assesses whether to limit its flights extremely popular between the Bay Area and Hawaii.

Alaska Airlines, another air travel provider in the Bay Area, plans to cut about 15 percent of its daily flights, the airline said on Tuesday. Alaska is also assessing a potential withdrawal from its highways from Hawaii.

Southwest Airlines canceled the most flights at San Jose and Oakland airports on Tuesday, while United Airline recorded the most cancellations at San Francisco airport, according to statistics compiled by the Flight Aware blog.

Alaska Airlines and Southwest Airlines officials said Tuesday they would not provide any market-specific statistics on flight cancellations. San Jose airport and Oakland officials were also vague about the airlines that had decided to cut the routes.

“We know the airlines are starting to downsize,” said Demetria Machado, a spokesperson for San Jose Airport.

Tuesday’s cancellations accounted for about 16% of total flights arriving and departing from San Jose airport that day, according to calculations by this news agency based on statistics from Flight Aware.

At Oakland Airport, Tuesday’s cancellations accounted for about 14% of arrivals and departures.

San Francisco airport cancellations were estimated to be around 34% of all flights arriving and departing from the busiest airport in the Bay Area on Tuesday, according to estimates.

In fact, air travel may decline even more drastically at the three Bay Area airports if the trends at San Jose Airport point to a wider impact.

From March 1 to 22, the number of people passing through TSA checkpoints at San Jose Airport dropped 45.7% from the same three-week period in 2019, Machado reported.

On Sunday, the last available day, the volume of TSA checkpoints dropped by 83.5% compared to the similar Sunday in March 2019.

TSA statistics measure passengers, flight crews and dealership employees. These are not the official monthly statistics for San Jose Airport.

“San Jose Airport remains open for essential travel,” said Machado. “We encourage travelers to check with their airlines at least 72 hours before their scheduled flight.”

Oakland airport traffic has decreased by about 50% so far in March, compared to the same period in 2019, airport officials said.

“Given the national trend and the fact that non-essential air travel is strongly discouraged in California, this number is likely to increase in the future,” said Oakland International Airport spokesperson, Keonnis Taylor.

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