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COVID-19 cases in Arizona continue to fall in September


Verified COVID-19 example In Arizona, the number reached 205,766 on Sunday, September 6, an increase of 250 from the previous day. Arizona Department of Health. The state was effective in fighting the virus last month. The average number of new cases in July was 3,075 cases per day, whereas the average number of new cases in August in Arizona was per day, and the average so far is 655 cases in September.

The death toll from COVID-19 is 5,221 in Arizona, after an increase of 14 from the previous day.

Infection and mortality rates are significantly lower than just a month ago, and hospital bed availability is improving. Experts believe that, among other changes, restrictions on gatherings and wearing masks are tightening.

But all health experts warn that it’s not time to relax now.

“The numbers aren’t enough to relax our efforts,” said Holly Ward, a spokeswoman for Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Institute.

Improved infection rates in eight states 15 counties In “Medium” range One for sending and one of the “minimum” ranges-threshold for bar and restaurant restarts.

Schools in the state have also completed the second week of face-to-face classes for some students and teachers.

This has some health professionals warning that state businesses and residents need to be alert not to relax too quickly. Sudden deregulation in May has led to a surge in cases where Arizona has become a national hotspot for COVID-19 infections.

Dr. Daniel Delxen, director of the University of Arizona Rural Health Center, said: “People are less concerned about relaxing and going to places like bars, masses gathering, or a lot of people who don’t wear masks.

“We need to keep an eye on public health measures, social distances, wearing masks found in commercials and signs, and if you don’t need to go where you’re exposed. The COVID-19 virus,” said Darksen.

It seems to work. The Arizona Department of Health reported that new infections were reduced from 386 cases per 100,000 in the week of June 28 to 64 cases per 100,000 in the week of August 9. In addition, death, hospitalization, and positive rate tests all fell during the same period.

“The number of hospitals in Arizona is improving,” Ward said. “It’s great that ICU bed usage has dropped dramatically, especially for COVID patients.”

As of Thursday, according to state data, 20% of the beds in the intensive care unit were available. Approximately 18% of these beds were used by COVID-19 patients and 62% by other patients. At some point in July, COVID-19 patients accounted for 57% of ICU beds.

“These numbers were in the 40% range in June,” Ward said. “From another perspective, it’s a great drop because the bed in the ICU used by COVID patients is down.”

COVID-19 number Three states, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, have been removed from the list of states that require resident isolation.

Ward and others believe that the state’s ability to “flatten the curve” of infection rates is to follow the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, such as social distance, face wear, and symptom monitoring. ..

“The most arguably social distance being carried out in a serious way is that more people are wearing masks,” Ward said. “As soon as the cities and towns were empowered to do so, they undertook mask delegations and large social gatherings and event suspensions-all of them contributed. To slow the spread. With every individual effort to do.”

“One of the biggest reasons” for the reduction in infection rates was when local authorities began mandating these rules, said Wilhamble, secretary general of the Arizona Public Health Association.

“The Governor finally allowed local jurisdictions to put face-sharing ordinances that were actually really successful,” Humble said. “On 24 June, the governor closed the bar and nightclub, and that is the two biggest reasons why the number of new cases here in Arizona has decreased, coupled with face-up requirements.”

Decrease means more part of the state Meet the benchmark Marikopa and Pima counties reached benchmarks on Thursday, allowing them to enter a “moderate” transmission zone that allows some resumptions. That is, if an unrelated customer is 6 feet away and the employee is masked, a food serving bar or nightclub can open at 50% of capacity Other requirements.

Modest concerns about the risks that reopened businesses and schools may present if people do not take the restrictions seriously enough. If the state wants to continue to mitigate the spread of the virus, he said it is more important than ever to protect social distances and follow CDC guidelines.

“The first suffering is the children and parents who want to study directly at school this fall,” he said. “But if compliance is good, I think if the compliance system works, the case could level off. The important thing is enforcement.”

Dirksen called the total number of infections and deaths “an unfortunate milestone,” but added, “on the better side, we seem to have flattened that curve.”

Enforcement and mitigation efforts are also important as the state is heading for a typical flu season, Dirksen said.

“There are still areas of concern, but the public health measures taken by the Arizona Department of Health and the Governor’s office, towns, and local governments seem to help us much more than they do in the summer. I saw it,” Dirksen said. “There are still so many COVID-19 viruses in the community. But we’re getting better.”

COVID-19 is a serious disease that can be fatal, especially for the elderly and people with underlying illnesses. ADHS advises everyone to take precautions:

Best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

• Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

• Wear a mask when near other people.

• Do not touch eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.

• Avoid close contact with sick people.

• Stay home if you are sick.

• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and immediately throw it in the trash.

Clean and disinfect Objects and surfaces that are frequently touched.

COVID-19 spreads in the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Symptoms appear within 2-14 days after exposure and are thought to consist of fever, cough, runny nose, and dyspnea. People with mild illness should stay at home, drink plenty of fluids and rest. People with more serious symptoms such as shortness of breath are advised to seek health care.

ADHS activated the Health Emergency Operations Center on January 27 after the first case of travel-related COVID-19 was confirmed in Arizona. The Health Emergency Operations Center continues to open to coordinate state responses to COVID-19 outbreaks. For more information on COVID-19 Responses in Arizona, please visit:

Farah Eltohamy of Cronkite News contributed to this report.

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