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Stunning Colombian Sara Orrego wears killer legs in tiny mini dress for double update


On Monday, Sara Orrego caught the attention of her fans and followers on Instagram with a new post that showed off her killer legs. Like many of us, the Colombian bomb remains safe indoors during the COVID-19 pandemic, as it said to its 1.4 million followers, but that doesn’t mean it has to wear boring outfits.

The first of the two-photo slideshow is Orrego sitting on a bed with her legs in front of her on the mattress. The mannequin’s legs were in the foreground of the photo while she was seated against a large window letting in sunlight. She placed her hands behind his chest to support him while leaning a little back.

The window overlooks the hills and the cityscape at sunset. According to the geotag added to the post, she was in Medellin, Colombia, where she lives. The second photo was a mirror selfie that focused on her outfit.

Orrego rocked a mini dress with red flowers and white dots on a black background, creating a whimsical print. She was sitting high on her legs, leaving her toned quads fully exposed.

The garment had long sleeves with a balloon cut that narrowed on the wrists. The dress had a transparent layer on a solid underlay which made it feel like two textures, which was more clearly visible in the background. The dress also had a cut in the chest that teased the breasts a little. The garment tied on the chest and its sleeves rested lightly on the shoulders for a romantic touch.

As Orrego revealed in the legend, the message was a partnership with Fashion Nova, a brand that often partners with models for its marketing campaigns.

Orrego wore her brown braids in the middle part and combed down. Her straight strands cascaded over her back in a casual, laid-back style.

The photo garnered more than 80,100 likes and over 560 comments, proving popular with fans and followers. As usual, most of the comments were written in her native Spanish, although comments in English show that she has fans around the world.

“What a beautiful woman,” said one of her English-speaking fans, dragging the message with a 100-brand emoji and a red heart.

“Beautiful dress,” replied a second user, following the words with a black heart and a fiery emoji.

“Love from Indonesia,” added a third fan, including a red-hearted emoji string at the end of the comment.

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