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Major tennis player Bob Hewitt was released on parole after serving 3 years for rape


Big Tennis Disgraceful Bob Hewitt, whose child sex convictions in South Africa stemmed from a Globe series that first involved his alleged rape of a former Massachusetts tennis star, was granted parole Tuesday after serving three years of a six-year prison sentence.

Hewitt, 80, was kicked from the Tennis Hall of Fame in 2016 after being convicted of raping two young South African girls he coached in the 1980s and 1990s, and of indecently assaulting a other.

“The system failed me again,” said Olivia Jasriel, one of the victims of the Globe after driving 650 miles from Johannesburg to Port Elizabeth to attend her hearing and oppose her request for parole.

Born Suellen Sheehan, Jasriel changed her name to try to start again after becoming a central figure in the Hewitt affair, which has become a controversial national story in the South African media and the criminal justice system.

Hewitts’ parole hearing took place despite a prison closure in South Africa triggered by the spread of COVID-19. He was granted early release on April 24 after his parole application was denied last year.

Hewitt was one of the greatest doubles players in tennis history, but his fall from grace began in 2011 when Heather Crowe Conner appeared in a Globe story and described the trauma she had suffered after he started raping her at the age of 15 and trained her. He had just finished playing for the Boston Lobsters before starting to train him in Danvers.

“I am shocked by the news of his parole,” said Conner.

In 2015, the Boston US District Court ordered Hewitt to pay Conner $ 1.2 million in damages for the alleged sexual assault. Justice Denise J. Casper, when Massachusetts law first extended the statute of limitations in sexual assault cases, found that Hewitt had repeatedly raped Conner for four years. The judge ordered Hewitt to pay $ 1 million for Conners’ emotional distress and $ 200,000 for his past and future mental health care.

The order was later quashed because Hewitt was not properly served court documents under South African law. Conner said she was trying to renew the business.

“I don’t seem to matter,” she said. Other women don’t seem to count. How upside down this world is.

Conner, 58, was a single state champion at Masconomet Regional High School and later a national champion at the University of Indiana, where she is a member of the school’s Hall of Fame. She then played on the professional circuit. She recently retired from teaching at Reading Memorial High School.

Hewitt, a native Australian, has won 15 major titles, including Grand Slam tournaments, in men’s doubles and mixed doubles. He has played with or against Arthur Ashe, John McEnroe and Billie Jean King.

Bob Hohler can be contacted at [email protected].

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