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Kent Cricket does its part to reach the community during the Covid-19 crisis


The Kent Cricket Club has revealed the steps they are taking to help people get through the coronavirus crisis.

While the normal activities of the clubs have been suspended and their offices remain closed to the public, the county says it is keen to identify areas in which its staff, facilities and resources can make a difference for the wider community.

As part of their closing process, club and conference partners, Sodexo, delivered sandwiches, milk and vegetables to St Marys Soup Kitchen in Dover.

Kent Cricket General Manager Simon Storey
Kent Cricket General Manager Simon Storey

Chef Nigel Bell gives two days a week of his time to help the kitchen prepare food.

The club proposed the use of The Spitfire Ground, St Lawrence in Canterbury, and The County Ground, Beckenham, for civic emergency planning.

This offer was made to the NHS, Canterbury City Council, Kent County Council and the London Borough of Bromley.

All business meetings have been suspended at St Lawrence Ground, but Sodexo continues to support a limited number of meetings at the NHS / East Kent Hospital.

Everything takes place with the approval of NHS officials and with strict hygiene measures in place.

The club’s community cricket team continues to keep clubs and schools up to date via newsletters, social media content and direct emails.

They also plan to connect virtually with community cricket clubs over the next few weeks to help them plan the resumption of the game.

Kent says they aim to inspire and engage members through their website and social media, including home training led by gaming staff, player covers, quizzes, story functionality clubs and more.

St Lawrence Clinic (01227 473606) continues to offer online consultations while Kent has launched a business news page and service directory on its website to help support and promote their Team Kent Business partners by this critical period.

For more information, contact [email protected]

Kent Cricket Managing Director Simon Storey said: We are uniquely positioned to play a leading role in ensuring that the communities of Kent are ready for the challenges ahead.

With two well-equipped locations in Canterbury and Beckenham and with our network of 300 clubs across the county and metropolitan area of ​​Kent, we have a responsibility to serve our communities across the border.

The Covid-19 virus poses new challenges for the club and our riding.

The health of all our stakeholders remains of paramount importance and we will all have to be flexible, resilient, committed, innovative and courageous during the difficult period ahead.

Our commitment is that we will work tirelessly to ensure that Kent Cricket continues to inspire, engage and use the power of cricket to give Kent communities a reason to smile, at a time when they have more than never need.

Read more: All the latest sports news in Kent

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