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UK government to boost onshore wind subsidies


Boris Johnson is expected to give green light to onshore wind farms four years after his predecessor, David Cameron, imposed a moratorium on onshore wind turbine subsidies.

Johnson's decision – which could be announced as early as Monday afternoon – comes as the price of electricity produced by wind farms has plummeted in recent years, making the technology significantly cheaper than it is. other forms of low carbon electricity such as nuclear power.

The government is under pressure to put in place a strategy to achieve its goal of net carbon emissions by 2050. It is likely that it will develop in the run-up to global talks on climate change taking place in Glasgow in November, called "COP26".

In a plan presented to climate groups at a meeting in Downing Street on Monday, authorities will announce that onshore projects will now be allowed to compete for government grants alongside other renewable energy technologies, such as offshore wind – although ministers have yet to finalize the announcement.

Onshore wind farms have long been unpopular with grassroots curators in rural areas due to their visual effect on the landscape as well as their impact on bird life.

Mr. Cameron indeed killed the construction of new onshore wind farms following the 2015 general election when he said he wanted to "rid" the countryside of "unsightly" structures under pressure from bon number of its own deputies.

In 2016, it excluded onshore wind from the government's subsidy system for low-carbon electricity. The moratorium has brought new onshore wind capacity to its lowest level in a decade in 2019.

However, Alok Sharma, commercial secretary, should say that rapidly reducing carbon emissions will mean "making the most of all available technologies", including onshore wind and solar power. He will promise that the government will do it in a way that will not alienate local communities.

Under the new plan, projects will be eligible to request a new 'difference contract (CFD)' auction in 2021, which means wind farms could be operational by the mid-2020s Activists warned that due to planning restrictions, most new projects were likely to be built in Scotland rather than England.

Scottish Power, for example, has listed potential wind farm projects north of the border in anticipation that the government may loosen its resistance to shore-based projects.

The government CFD system provides a fixed price for electricity to low carbon projects. Last fall, some offshore wind projects have price from £ 39.65 by MwH, reflecting the increased efficiency of the industry, like taller turbines with longer blades.

In contrast, the nuclear power plant proposed by EDF at Hinkley Point in Somerset has agreed to an exercise price of £ 97.50 / MwH with the government in 2016.

Onshore wind has traditionally been cheaper than offshore wind, reflecting the complex challenges of building huge wind turbines offshore, often in deep waters – although the the gap has narrowed in recent years.

John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace, said that terrestrial wind and solar energy is one of the cheapest available sources of energy.

"The government must now engage with local communities to take off large amounts of onshore wind and solar power," he said. "Leading by example, tripling the UK's wind and solar power by 2030, is a prerequisite for the success of British leadership in this year's global climate talks at Glasgow. "

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