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Stay in style with these spring fashion trends – The GW Hatchet


Media credit: Sarah Urtz | Photo editor assistant

Vintage patterns and groovy styles are reappearing as fashion trends this spring.

The month of February opened a new chapter in the book of global trends, with fashion weeks rolling out new models in Paris, New York, London and D.C.

Not all of the trends on the runway can be worn as everyday clothing, but you might spot a few new styles on campus in the coming months, including disco necklaces and retro prints. Get ahead of your spring wardrobe with these 2020 fashion trends.

A revival of the 60s

You can expect to see prints reminiscent of your grandmother's wallpaper in the living room this spring. Pastel floral prints and thick shapes are regaining popularity, especially in Dresses and skirts.

The long pointy lapel disco collar that has been made popular by celebrities like John Travolta and Sylvester Stallone is also making a comeback on the fashion scene. The style has received a modern twist on coats, buttons and jackets. You can layer a disco collar under a printed sweater for a vintage preppy look or wear it alone to add a touch to your usual training outfit.

Everyday corporate clothing

Add some sophistication to your everyday clothes with blazers, pants or even a suit. Checked and checked blazers were a must for Christian Dior and Saint Laurents in February Paris fashion show. You can combine these formal suits with light washed jeans and a plain t-shirt to elevate an otherwise simple look to one that can be worn in class or at the office.

GW Fashion Club President Andrew Evans, a political science student, said corporate clothing has become particularly prevalent in men's fashion at Paris Fashion Week.

There was a strange business trend in Parisian men's fashion, said Evans. There were lots of black suits and ties, skinny white ties.

Improve your outfit for a night on the town with a tuxedo dress, which is basically an elongated blazer. For a special occasion, opt for a daring, monochromatic look who is sure to release energy from the big boss.

Groovy, baby

Entering a Free People store may look more like Woodstock this spring with the re-emergence of fringe suede embellishments and pants. You will see fringed bags, fringed earrings, fringe sewn on the back of denim jackets, crochet fringed dresses and fringed ponchos. Add an element of this style to your look for a casual look inspired by the 70s.

In addition to the bangs, retro styles like tweed vests and suede have returned to their 70s roots. Team a denim vest with a turtleneck and a suede mini skirt or pants for a nostalgic Fleetwood Mac look.

Unconventional colors

Channel the bright, fresh colors of spring into your wardrobe this season. Wear a matching blazer and mint skirt for a refreshing monochrome mint look, or slip on a mint leather jacket.

If a muted mint green isn't bold enough, go for the highlighter trend. Neon colors, especially yellow and pink, are becoming commonplace in form-fitting dresses, matching sets and jumpsuits.

Evans said adding neon to an outfit can add an energetic and fun look to an otherwise simple cut.

This makes up for a more traditionally nonchalant aspect, "said Evans. "It’s a way to add a little bit of color, it goes a little to the extreme a bit in a way but it’s fun.

Elegant work clothes

Work clothes were originally designed as hard-wearing clothes designed for work, such as boiler suits, grandpa shirts, corduroy and canvas pants. But workwear has become fashionable in the past two years, popularized by brands like Dickies, Carhartt and Cowboy. The classic Carhartt cap is emblematic of hip hop and skate culture, adding to its appeal and popularity.

Evans said men's workwear is one of the main trends, as many brands are inspired by Dickies' use of canvas and polycotton materials.

It’s interesting because it’s something that was born out of necessity, like you need something that will last a long time, you need a pair of jeans that won’t explode and now it's become a commodity in a sense, said Evans. .

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