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CBC Windsor September 8th COVID-19 Update: Five New Cases Today


The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit reported five new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, and another person died of COVID-19 over the weekend.

According to the Health Unit, the old man in his 70s was a resident of a local nursing home.

There are currently 75 deaths related to COVID-19 in Windsor Essex.

Of the five new cases reported today, one traveled outside of North America, three had close contact with people infected with the virus, and one case is under investigation.

Health Officer Dr. Wazid Ahmed said the Health Unit will provide updates on the “cluster” of individuals who have signed up for COVID-19 after attending a reception.

Ahmed said the health sector has not identified any new cases associated with the case.

“The numbers haven’t changed much from what we reported,” he said.

Last week, Ahmed said 31 community cases of COVID-19 in the region, which began at one event on August 16, were linked to a social gathering in the region.

The event spread the first major community of COVID-19 in the region.

Ahmed added that the 19 incidents caused by this event were young people aged 10 to 19. Other events included card games, oversleeping and swimming parties.

Anyone who thinks they might have attended a rally that had a positive case needs to be self-separated and tested, Mr Ahmed suggested.

The health unit reported five new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday. There were 14 new cases since Friday. (Windsor Essex County Health Unit)

Currently, eight are hospitalized with COVID-19 and one is receiving intensive care.

Over the weekend, the Health Unit reported nine new COVID-19 cases for our community. Three are local healthcare workers, four are in close contact with confirmed cases, one is infected with the virus in the area, and one is under investigation.

COVID-19 is currently occurring in two nursing homes. Staff at Rosewood Ellie Glen in Leamington tested positive for the disease.

See | COVID-19 Update for Health Unit on September 8:

In Leamington’s new beginning nursing home, 21 residents are positive for this disease with 7 staff, and a major outbreak is seen.

The health unit at the manufacturing facility in Tecumseh has also reported an outbreak at work.

Dying Windsor woman pleads to meet Michigan family again at last

Diane Costello’s dying wish is to meet her parents living in Michigan, but due to COVID-19 restrictions, they cannot be reunited.

“It means the world to me, this will be the last time I saw them,” she said from her hospice room in Windsor.

Two years ago, Diane was diagnosed with colorectal cancer, and in March she was told she had no other choice because her treatment was ineffective, and her daughter Sheila confirmed to CBC News.

See | From the Hospice Room in Windsor, Diane Costello begs government authorities to grant an exemption.

From Windsor’s Hospice Room, Diane Costello grants government officials an exemption from quarantine law, allowing them to have last-minute visits with American parents. 10:17

Not sure how much time is left, Diane said he just wants to see Marolyn Hotchkiss (77) and Norman Hotchkiss (80), American parents who haven’t been in touch for six months.

Under Quarantine Law, the federal government requires cross-border individuals to self-isolate for 14 days to monitor for COVID-19 symptoms.

But Diane’s parents have concerns about their own health and cannot cross the border for two weeks without treatment without quarantine.

read more: Windsor woman died of cancer pleads with Michigan family for last final meeting

11 Exposure risk in business

The Health Unit has flagged 11 companies as potential locations for COVID-19 exposure.

In either case, the customer or staff member has a positive reaction, and the Health Unit alerts potential contact persons, self-monitors for symptoms, and seeks care if symptoms occur.

The affected businesses and dates are:

  • 3873 Walker Road Oven 360 August 23rd and 24th.
  • John Max 3208 Dougall Rd. August 27th.
  • Tommy Hillifiger, 1555 Talbot Rd. At La Salle on August 29th.
  • Fred’s Fresh Farm International Market, 2144 Huron Church Road, August 29th and 30th.
  • Xanadu Gym at 446 Advance Blvd. Lakeshore August 19th-27th, 29th, 30th
  • Tim Hortons 5775 Malden Street in Windsor on August 25th.
  • August 25, Spirit Halloween Store in Devonshire Mall, Windsor.
  • August 21st, Wine Studies at 19 Main St. E. in Kingsville.
  • El Diablo, 16 Main St. W., Kingsville, August 21.
  • Muskdale Vineyards on County Road August 21, 18 at Hello.
  • Xaco Taco, 300 Cabana Rd. E., Windsor, August 24 and 25.

Third Evaluation Center Hours

As of Tuesday, Windsor Regional Hospital will open the St Clair College Sportsplex for the COVID-19 test.

COVID-19 in Sarnia-Lambton

Lambton Public Health has not reported a new case of COVID-19 on Monday. A total of 341 cases have been recorded and 314 resolved in the area.

25 people have died.

Chatham Kent’s COVID-19

Chatham Kent Public Health did not report a new case on Monday. There are a total of 363 positive cases, 5 of which are still active.

Two people died of this disease.

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