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New Hampshire man broke state record for lake trout he captured last week


MEREDITH, New Hampshire (CNN) – When Thomas Knight left on the ice to fish for lake trout, he was determined to carry a big one. He came prepared with an 11-inch suction cup because big bait attracts big fish, he said.

But what he shot was bigger than anything he could have imagined.

Knight of Meredith, New Hampshire caught a lake trout last Tuesday that weighed 37.65 pounds, easily breaking the state record that was over 60 years old.

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On Tuesday February 25, Thomas Knight of Meredith, New Hampshire, caught a huge lake trout while ice fishing on Big Diamond Pond in West Stewartstown, NH. The fish was certified as a new state record, eclipsing that established in 1958. After a long battle, Knight was able to bring the fish to the ice and marvel at its size. An experienced lake trout fisherman, Knight knew the dominant record was 28 pounds and his fish appeared to be much larger. After a few phone calls with close fishing friends, Knight made his next call to Andy Schafermeyer, a fisheries biologist at the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. In order to certify the size of a fish as a condition register, it must be inspected and verified by a biologist. The two met and began to measure the characteristics that would certify this fish as the largest lake trout ever caught in New Hampshire. I don't know who was more excited, said Schafermeyer. I knew the fish had a very good chance of breaking the record. The two men placed the laker on a certified scale that weighed a maximum of 30 pounds and the weight of the fish exceeded that. At that time, I knew that Knight had broken a new state record, but I did not know how much, continued Schafermeyer. The quest for a larger certified ladder was underway as the two men drove sharing the excitement of the situation. Finally, in a parcel distribution center, a scale with the appropriate state certification was located and had the capacity to measure a significant weight. When the display finally settled on 37.65 pounds, the two men, who had only met a few hours earlier, shared a sincere handshake and patted on the back. As phone calls and text messages arrived, Schafermeyer finalized the remaining inspection and paperwork. Most state documents, when beaten, are beaten by only a few ounces. Knight fish broke the old record by more than 9 pounds. This fish is now the largest lake trout caught in all of New England. I'm glad he understood it, it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, said Schafermeyer. The fish was over 40 inches in length with a circumference of 27 inches. Schafermeyer estimated that the fish was between 50 and 60 years old.

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The previous record was 28 pounds set in 1958. Usually the records are broken by a few ounces, but Knight's fish broke the record by more than nine pounds.

And before he even rolled it up, he knew it was going to be huge.

"The line was so tight, it got so thin and the adrenaline was full," Knight told CNN. "You do everything you can to not break the line and you try to tire the fish."

After catching the fish, he immediately wrapped it in a cooler with snow and called the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department.

Fisheries biologist Andy Schafermeyer arrived to help certify the file.

"I don't know who was most excited," said Schafermeyer. New Hampshire fish and game. "I knew the fish had a very good chance of breaking the record."

When they placed the fish on a certified scale, it quickly exceeded the maximum weight of the scale by 30 pounds.

So the two looked for a larger scale, and once they found one, they confirmed that the trout weighed 37.65 pounds.

"This fish is now the largest lake trout caught in all of New England," said Schafermeyer. "I'm glad he understood it, it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy."

Knight. 58, was a commercial fisherman for 25 years, catching giant bluefin tuna.

Even after spending hours fishing for tuna, he went fishing again at night, he said.

Two hip surgeries pulled him out of the tuna game, but he said he still loves fishing and the record proves that he still does.

"It means the world to me," said Knight. “It’s very rewarding because I’ve spent so much time on it. I design my own techniques and making them work is very rewarding. "

Knight taxed the fish and rents it to a friend who will hang it in his restaurant for two years.

"But after those two years, it's mine," said Knight.

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