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From making masks to donating wedding dresses, here’s how the fashion industry is helping to fight coronavirus


The world is in total chaos in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic which continues to increase and disrupt daily life. The alarming increase in cases has caused blockages in various affected countries around the world. In order to contain the spread of the disease, governments have encouraged the practice of self-isolation and social distancing during this crisis.

Just as it had an impact on social life, COVID-19 also had an impact on the economy. Businesses quickly shut down and implemented homework for their employees, while many also laid off their employees. The food industry, the film and music industry, and the beauty and hospitality industry are among those suffering huge losses as governments have banned or banned public gatherings.

Likewise, the fashion industry has also suffered greatly. The virus has plagued fashion capitals around the world, causing major fashion-related events to be canceled and postponed. Retail stores and fashion companies were forced to lay off workers while closing major offices and outlets around the world. They are struggling to cope with the recession that has started to disrupt the economy as their customer base and fashion needs decrease due to the crisis.

(Getty Images)

COVID-19 has forced people to stay isolated in the comfort of their own homes, which has to some extent boosted fashion sales online, but not drastically. Most luxury goods companies have had to close their doors simply because of a deficit in online shopping.

As is the case with a myriad of fashion houses, most are turning to alternative measures to insure the business of their business. Some big names in the industry are now using all of their available resources to help not only health workers by providing safety equipment, but also the general public in need. The devastation the virus has caused has led to many panic purchases and a shortage of essentials. In the days leading up to the outbreak of the pandemic, many stores experienced a shortage of hand sanitizers, masks, soaps and a variety of other products believed to help prevent the disease from contracting.

Even high-end brands, by the way, jump on the bandwagon to help control coronavirus disease. LVMH, the multinational owner of Louis Vuitton, Givenchy and Christian Dior, announced that it would use the facilities of its French perfumeries to produce hand sanitizers and deliver them free of charge to the French authorities.

The parent company of Gucci and Balenciaga, Kering, also undertook to facilitate its country of French origin with 3 million surgical masks, bought and imported from China. Gucci has manufactured and donated some 1.1 million surgical masks and 55,000 medical suits for healthcare in Italy, the country most devastated by COVID-19 to date.

Mayhoola and Valentino also donated $ 21.83,910 ($ 2 million) to Socco Hospital in Milan. Donatella Versace, the creative director of Versace, donated $ 200,000 for intensive care to the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan. Early last month, Bulgari contributed to the research department of the Istituto Lazzaro Spallanzani in Rome, which was working on the purchase of a microscopic image acquisition system to help combat and prevent the spread of COVID -19. Giorgio Armani has donated nearly $ 1.4 million to various hospitals in Italy, namely the largest establishments in Rome and Milan.

Independent designers have also joined forces to help with generous donations and other support. Designer based in the United States Christian Siriano reorganized its workshop and its tailors to sew on masks and fight against the shortage. Pyer moss has also stepped up its efforts to help small creative businesses suffering from a serious financial blow by setting aside $ 50,000 of its funds, while converting its New York headquarters into a donation center.

Pia Fischer, Berlin fashion designer, puts a protective mask on a shop window in her shop on March 24, 2020, in the Schneberg district of Berlin, Germany (Getty Images).

the Clara Lionel Foundation, Rihanna’s nonprofit organization has announced it will donate $ 5 million to facilities working to provide coronavirus rescue services. The Swedish brand H&M will manufacture gloves, scrubs and masks for hospitals located across the European Union and Inditex, the parent company of the Spanish brand Zara will produce hospital coats in manufacturing units in its country of origin.

Indian designer Anita Dongre has set aside $ 15 million (approximately $ 200,000) as a medical fund to support their small vendors, independent artisans and partners who have no medical insurance or coverage to prepare for medical emergencies resulting from COVID-19. “preventive measures and reaching out to employees during this crucial time are Sabyasachi, Tarun Tahiliani and Prabal Gurung and Giorgio Armani among many others. American fashion designer Brandon maxwell also produces face masks and, in addition, distributes wedding dresses to brides in need.

As supplies take a plunge as we continue to fight the raging coronavirus, fashion brands mobilizing to provide preventative services and help health care are a silver lining in these dark times.

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