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Family, faith, tennis for Leilani Gonzalez from Skyview


Leilani Gonzalez is not the first tennis player to qualify for the state and not to play.

And it will not be the last.

Some things are just bigger than state tennis.

Last year, as a Skyview rookie, Gonzalez went unbeaten in the 4A Greater St. Helens women’s tennis season and lost just two games throughout the season. She won the district title. She has been named the league player of the year. It ranked sixth in the bi-district to win its place of state.

However …

“I knew from the first game in my first year,” said Gonzalez recently as she prepared for what she hopes will be her second season. “I knew that even if I could declare, I was not going to be able to play. But I still played hard. “

Gonzalez had his quinsinera – a celebration of a girl’s 15th birthday – during the state tournament.

The adult party is a big deal, something you don’t want to miss. How many times is someone 15 years old anyway?

“I have been planning this for years,” said Gonzalez. “We had a mass, this whole ceremony. Then my personal favorite part is the party. “

The huge party had lots of friends and family present.

“It was just a huge celebration that I really enjoyed,” she said.

Skyview coach Jay Gowen said Gonzalez is the type of player and student who is always positive and takes charge. Most importantly, his “faith, family and dedication to the things that matter most will not be compromised,” he said.

“She is a great tennis player, but she is first of all family and faith,” he said. “She managed it well last year. I was disappointed for her because I never take these trips for granted. “

Gonzalez says she hopes to qualify for the state again.

“At least I think I will,” she said. “Now I know what kind of competition I have, what the level of district and regional events is.”

Gonzalez added something new to her sporting life this year by going to basketball at Skyview and was part of Team C. She also recently entered the state DECA competition.

Gowen is everything for its tennis players who do more than just tennis.

“When I heard about Leilani’s love for basketball, I was excited,” said Gowen. “Each sport has its own specific skills and attributes that help players become well-balanced and improve in certain traits.”

He mentioned how basketball helped speed, agility, speed of Gonzalez as well as lateral and horizontal movements on the tennis court. Without forgetting to be well conditioned for tennis.

“She was one of our only players who didn’t suffer after playing three hours of competitive tennis sets at jamboree because of the way basketball helped her,” said Gowen.

And like any athlete, Gonzalez says she knows there are a lot of things she can improve on in her tennis game.

“There is always something to improve in my game,” she said. “But right now, I think my game is pretty solid. I have a good foundation. ”

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