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Indian cricket star Ravi Ashwins cheeky coronavirus troll


The cricket world refuses to be defeated by the coronavirus despite the devastating impact of the pandemic on the prospects for Sports 2020.

Some of the biggest names in the game use their profile instead to help spread a message urging the world to take vigilant action to slow the spread of the virus.

And they also do it in style.

On Wednesday evening, Indian cricket star Ravi Ashwin made the insolent decision to use his moment of infamy to grab the attention of the cricket world with his message to keep Indians at home and isolated during the crisis. .

Ashwin was famous as “ashamed” by Australian legend Shane Warne during last year’s IPL when the Indian spinner performed a controversial dismissal from the English man drummer Jos Butler’s “mankad”.

Burnout has divided the world of cricket.

Now, Ashwin dragged Butler again and took advantage of the moment to unite the world in a determined effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

The spin launcher tweeted a photo of his dismissal from Buttler exactly a year ago in the Indian Premier League, when he spotted the drummer of his fold at the end of the non-attacker and chased him away.

“Hahaha, someone sent this to me and said it has been exactly a year since this period has passed,” wrote Ashwin, who changed his Twitter display name to “lets stay inside India “.

“As the nation locks out, this is a good reminder to my fellow citizens. Don’t go away. Stay inside, stay safe! # 21DayLockdown. “The method of dismissal, named after former Indian player Vinoo Mankad, is legal but is considered by many to be contrary to the values ​​of the game, unless the drummer has been warned first.

India, which has seen a sharp increase in COVID-19 cases, has started a 21-day “total lockout” at midnight Tuesday, with anyone out of order risking up to two years in prison and a fine .

This year’s IPL, the richest cricket league in the world, is one of many sporting events in the world to be postponed, including the Tokyo Olympics, which have been postponed until next year.

Indian cricket chief Sourav Ganguly even hinted that this year’s IPL could be canceled.

Meanwhile, the unannounced hero of Headingley in England, Jack Leach, also took advantage of the best moment of his career to travel around Australia and promote a message of social responsibility in response to the blockage of the coronavirus in England.

Leach, hitting 11th in the iconic Ashes test at Headingley, broke an undefeated record of 17 in an hour to the fold as Ben Stokes led England to a famous victory.

It is a performance that Leach says that everyone can learn from the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, encouraging everyone to do the “boring” thing by staying at home.

“Being boring is boring guys!” But if the job is done, it’s definitely worth it, ”he posted on Twitter.

“We are all batting at 11, so don’t get ahead of us and start playing shots. Defend your stumps. One bullet at a time and let Stokes do his #StayAtHome thing. “

– with AFP

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