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Deborah Birx gains power in coronavirus tumult


With the uncertainty that reigns in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic, a shaken public clings to glimmers of hope and lightness, in particular by embracing Deborah Birx as an icon of pop culture.

Birx, 63, has become something of a celebrity as the country grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, in part due to his handling of questions about the new respiratory disease in the White House press room almost daily and in his fashion. – a front wardrobe.

From statement jackets to her rotating collection of scarves, Birx, a military clinician and ambassador general seconded to the Vice President’s office as coordinator of the country’s coronavirus response task force, has gathered an increasing number of fans expressing their admiration. on social media.

One, like Rachel Hirsch of Washington, D.C., opened an Instagram account of the clothing choices of the global AIDS coordinator in the United States. Using the “doctorbirxlooks” grip, Hirsch said that she drew inspiration from Birx’s audacity at press conferences, “given the calm styles you usually see for these things.”

“I mentioned it in one of my group discussions, and we all started commenting, and I thought it might be a fun hobby,” she told the Washington Examiner.

For Hirsch, comments on his account have been mostly positive.

“I had a guy who hoped I was her, trying to hit her. It was weird. Otherwise, the people were super nice, and it’s a fun distraction,” she said. “These are our new celebrities.”

Birx has also been seduced in opinion pieces on fashion, the Washington Post to the New york post.

Robert Thompson, director of the Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture at Syracuse University, explained that it was not unusual for “new stars to be invited into the ongoing drama which is a news cycle of 24 hours “materialize. He cited the response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005 as another example where “people we had never heard of before” suddenly became subjects of public intrigue.

Thompson added that the situation had worsened in the case of the coronavirus because the majority of the country was confined to the home, creating a captive audience.

“There are all kinds of fronts on which we are fighting the battle of our fears. I guess what we are looking at is someone who is, you know, calm,” he said. said. “She is calm, and she is never part of the debate. She has this authoritarian but at the same time parental gaze.”

But Thompson admitted it was “always very uncomfortable” to discuss what a woman looks or wears.

“But it is interesting to see how she became a fashion icon for a certain population. There has been a wave of” She looks fabulous, “” he said. “The emerging celebrity of Dr. Deborah Birx and the emerging fan base for his dress style are not the most important 1st, 2nd or 10,000th story. However, that is not to say that it is not something important to talk about because the way people perceive someone who is one of the, what, half a dozen people who seem to be at the forefront of making the decisions that are made with it, is important. “

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