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Looking for someone who can advance Chandrakant Pandit’s legacy: VCA | Cricket News


NAGPUR: When Chandrakant Pandit arrived in Vidarbha in 2017, the team had not completed the eighth stage of the Ranji Trophy. Most in Vidarbha, including the players and officials, viewed such a performance as a great achievement.

Three years later, when the former Indian porter left the fold of Vidarbha to join Madhya Pradesh, which he ruled in the 1990s, Vidarbha had two Ranji and two Irani Trophies in his silverware. While Pandit believes Vidarbha has a bright future, officials are eagerly awaiting someone who can devote as much time to the team as the famous coach.

Vidarbha has proven itself over the past three years, which shows that there is no shortage of talent. This team must be well prepared. At the same time, players should not take their place for granted. There should be a competition for places. Many young people have had opportunities. If this standard is maintained, there is no reason why Vidarbha cannot continue to operate as they have done for the past three years, Pandit told YOU.

The kind of bench that Vidarbha now has, they can afford to play without the professionals. It is very likely that Vidarbha is looking for someone other than Ganesh Satish for the professional role for the next season.

We thank Pandit for creating the competition between the players. He did a great job of changing the face of Vidarbha cricket. Now we look forward to someone who can advance their legacy, said a VCA official who does not wish to be named.

Pandit has given Vidarbha cricket enough time in the past three years. He would always focus on good preparation, which started from the summer. It would also make effective use of the monsoon season. He used to have special sessions with drummers, rhythm throwers and spinners. He also led match simulation sessions. The result is there for everyone to see. Despite an average last season, we finished seventh out of 39 teams in the Ranji Trophy, said a VCA official.

It will be difficult to replace him but we are currently looking for a good person who could advance this team. We have a few candidates in mind, but we haven’t zeroed anyone. We are looking forward to someone who is committed to Vidarbha cricket. We have certain different requirements and that person has to match them, he added.

Although preparation for the next season has been hampered due to fear of coronaviruses, VCA officials are in the process of finalizing the plans. At the moment, no one knows how long this problem will persist. Once things are normalized, we will resume our preparations. We are working on an emergency plan, he added.

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