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OSDH: 695 new COVID-19 cases in Oklahoma, 6 more dead


Post: Has been updated:

The hands of a doctor who has a positive coronavirus or Covid-19 rapid test

(Taechit Taechamanodom / Getty Images / Royalty Free)

According to the Oklahoma Department of Health, 695 new cases of COVID-19 and 6 more have died in Oklahoma.

According to OSDH, 69,354 cases of COVID-19 deaths due to the virus have been confirmed since the pandemic began in March, and 905 people have died.

OSDH reported an increase of 1,017 cases on Saturday. There were 68,659 cases on Saturday since March.

Currently, there are 9,889 active COVID-19 cases in the state, with 254 more active cases than Saturday, up 2.6%.

State officials have not announced the latest number of COVID-19 hospitalizations in the state.

OSDH reported that a case of COVID-19 was confirmed in a hospital in Oklahoma on Friday, with 509 suspected cases.

Officials reported on Sunday that 58,560 people had recovered from COVID-19 in Oklahoma since March.

The breakdown of COVID-19 cases in Oklahoma is as follows.

  • Adair: 523 (10 deaths) (405 recovery)
  • Alfalfa: 36 (16 recovery)
  • Atca: 243 (death 1) (159 recovery)
  • Beaver: 46 (44 recovery)
  • Beckham: 168 (1 death) (121 recovery)
  • Brain: 98 (1 death) (74 recovery)
  • Brian: 738 (4 deaths) (608 recovery)
  • Cado: 639 (20 deaths) (541 recovery)
  • Canada: 1,736 (13 deaths) (1,523 recovery)
  • Carter: 471 (8 deaths) (407 recovery)
  • Cherokee: 867 (7 deaths) (649 recovery)
  • Choctaw: 273 (2 deaths) (242 recovery)
  • Cimarron: 21 (14 recovery)
  • Cleveland: 4,965 (68 deaths) (3,924 recovery)
  • Coal: 65 (recovery 58)
  • Comanche: 1,384 (12 deaths) (1,242 recovery)
  • Cotton: 63 (2 deaths) (30 recovery)
  • Craig: 195 (1 death) (132 recovery)
  • Creek: 968 (28 deaths) (812 recovery)
  • Custer: 399 (341 recovery)
  • Delaware: 633 (23 deaths) (527 recovery)
  • Dewey: 39 (1 death) (19 recovery)
  • Ellis: 7 (6 recovery)
  • Garfield: 1,315 (17 deaths) (991 recovery)
  • Garvin: 311 (4 deaths) (256 recovery)
  • Grady: 690 (7 dead) (531 recovered)
  • Grant: 32 (28 recovery)
  • Greer: 97 (8 dead) (79 recovered)
  • Harmon: 43 (37 recovery)
  • Harper: 24 (recovery 18)
  • Haskell: 210 (4 deaths) (157 recovery)
  • Hughes: 257 (4 dead) (211 recovered)
  • Jackson: 649 (9 deaths) (576 recovery)
  • Jefferson: 37 (33 recovery)
  • Johnston: 124 (3 deaths) (95 recovery)
  • Kay: 423 (13 deaths) (315 recovery)
  • Kingfisher: 303 (2 deaths) (264 recovery)
  • Kiowa: 58 (2 dead) (44 recovered)
  • Latimer: 123 (2 deaths) (108 recovery)
  • Le Flor: 853 (16 deaths) (712 recovery)
  • Lincoln: 351 (9 dead) (295 recovered)
  • Logan: 359 (1 death) (304 recovery)
  • Love: 144 (1 death) (115 recovery)
  • Major: 66 (1 death) (52 recovery)
  • Marshall: 147 (1 death) (130 recovery)
  • Maze: 488 (10 deaths) (399 recovery)
  • McLean: 696 (6 deaths) (582 recovery)
  • McCartain: 1,155 (32 deaths) (955 recovery)
  • Macintosh: 275 (4 deaths) (229 recovery)
  • Murray: 107 (1 death) (89 recovery)
  • Muscogee: 1,583 (19 deaths) (1,329 recovery)
  • Aristocrats: 129 (2 dead) (106 recovered)
  • Novata: 121 (2 dead) (99 recovered)
  • Okwski: 118 (4 deaths) (93 recovery)
  • Oklahoma: 15,178 (175 deaths) (13,274 recovered)
  • Okmarugi: 710 (5 deaths) (604 recovery)
  • Aussage: 730 (13 deaths) (644 recovery)
  • Others: 47
  • Ottawa: 699 (4 deaths) (547 recovered)
  • Pony: 233 (3 deaths) (214 recovery)
  • Pain: 1,761 (5 deaths) (1,269 recovery)
  • Pittsburgh: 707 (19 deaths) (587 recovery)
  • Pontotoku: 294 (3 dead) (241 recovered)
  • Potawa Tommy: 1,048 (9 deaths) (860 recovered)
  • Pushmatha: 136 (1 death) (127 recovery)
  • Roger Mills: 19 (1 death) (13 recovery)
  • Rogers: 1,536 (46 deaths) (1,263 recovery)
  • Seminole: 377 (5 deaths) (307 recovery)
  • Sequoia: 701 (9 dead) (555 recovered)
  • Stevens: 319 (5 deaths) (239 recovery)
  • Texas: 1,313 (8 deaths) (1,183 recovered)
  • Tillman: 78 (1 death) (66 recovery)
  • Tulsa: 15,146 (144 deaths) (13,342 recovered)
  • Wagoner: 1,316 (23 dead) (1,149 recovery)
  • Washington: 913 (40 deaths) (782 recovery)
  • Washida: 46 (39 recovery)
  • Mori: 32 (27 recovery)
  • Woodward: 150 (102 recovery)

The CDC recommends testing the patient twice to see if the patient has recovered, but health officials say they keep the test for the sick patient.

Instead, the Oklahoma Department of Health identifies that you have recovered if you are not currently hospitalized or died and 14 days have passed since your symptoms developed or were diagnosed.

State health officials said this week COVID-19 antigen test results It will be included in the daily count of new positive tests starting on Tuesday, health officials say should provide a better picture of COVID-19 in Oklahoma.

This electron micrograph was made available by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Fort Detric, Maryland, and is a novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 virus particle, color-enhanced and isolated from the patient. Shows orange.  Scientists at the University of Hong Kong claim that there is first evidence that someone has been re-infected with the virus that causes COVID-19.  They genetically tested a 33-year-old man returning to Hong Kong from a trip to Spain in mid-August on Monday, August 24, 2020, to have a different strain of coronavirus than previously infected. Said March.  (NIAID / National Institute of Health, via AP)
(NIAID / National Institute of Health, via AP)

State officials are urging Oklahoma people to stay away from sick patients and wash their hands frequently. Also, do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth.

At this point, Americans are required to practice “social distance” by staying at home as much as possible and staying out of the crowd.

The virus spreads predominantly from person to person, and symptoms usually appear 2 to 14 days after exposure. Authorities emphasize that the most common symptoms are fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

If you get sick, you will be asked to stay away from others. If you have symptoms in areas where the coronavirus is known to be widespread or around COVID-19 patients, contact your doctor in advance to warn you that you may have been infected with the virus. You will be asked. As such, experts say, they have the ability to take special precautions to protect staff and other patients.

Face mask
Via Unsplash

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