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French cities oppose the resurgence of the virus


The French city working on the revival of Covid-19 has announced several restrictions, including restrictions on parties and large-scale events, as the country resorts to local means to avoid another national blockade.

Bordeaux and Marseille were the first two big cities to act after French Prime Minister Jean Castex Decline on friday Enacting national rules despite the “obvious deterioration” warning of the coronavirus pandemic.

“The virus has been around for a few more months and needs to co-exist with the virus without being pulled back into generalized lockdown logic,” Castex said, targeting local authorities in the so-called “red zone.” I requested that you propose a countermeasure. ..

In France, new infections surged to more than 10,000 people a day last week, and following summer rest, both hospitalizations and deaths have begun to gradually increase. Since the beginning of the pandemic, about 31,000 people have died from the virus in France.

Currently, about half of the country exceeds the government threshold of 50 per 100,000 people, with an incidence of 195 in the Bouches-du-Rhone region surrounding Marseille and 159 in the Bordeaux region, called Gironde, a metropolitan area. The sphere is 150.

Bordeaux and Marseille have announced new regulations to stop the spread of the virus, raising concerns that youth socialization and family gatherings are driving most of the increase in new incidents.

Hospital capacity is beginning to be strained, increasing the likelihood that physicians will have to cancel surgery to prioritize Covid-19 patients.

Hospitals in Marseille are “very close to the saturation point,” said Jean Olivier Arnaud, who heads the public hospital system in the region. He said 139 people are currently using a ventilator in intensive care with Covid-19, leaving only 64 beds dedicated to the coronavirus.

Correspondingly, Bordeaux and Marseille reduced the number of people who could gather in public places to 10, banned drinking and dancing parties outside, extended the mandatory wearing of masks, drinking at bars and He said that eating is only allowed while sitting.

The two regions also said they would tighten regulations and would give police new authority to close bars and restaurants against them more quickly.


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To avoid congestion during rush hours, we will strive to protect the elderly in long-term care facilities by increasing the placement of buses and trams and limiting visits.

Several major events have been canceled, including the famous Marseille International Trade Fair. It is scheduled to begin this month and typically welcomes more than 300,000 exhibitors and 1,200 exhibitors.

The densely populated Paris already requires masks in public places and offices, so it is expected that it will follow its own rules in the coming days.

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