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1 in 10 COVID-19 patients return home from ER and return to hospital: US study


Washington, September 16 (PTI) A new study evaluating data from more than 1,400 patients admitted to the hospital since nearly 1 in 10 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 was discharged from the emergency department 1 The first three months of the pandemic that required me to return to the hospital within a week.

This study, published in the journal Academic Emergency Medicine, evaluated data on COVID-19 patients from the Philadelphia region of the United States between March and May 2020.

It was found that factors such as lower pulse oximetry levels and fever were some of the most obvious symptoms that resulted in a return to hospitalization.

“We hope this study will help emergency clinicians have more informed conversations with patients suspected of having COVID-19,” the study said at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Austin Chiral, lead author of the United States.

“It can be difficult to make this diagnosis and send the patient home without knowing if they will get sick in the next few days. With this study, clinicians can see how often and when patients need to return, and There are some guideposts to know the risk factors to pay. Attention, “Chiral said.

In the study, scientists examined 1,419 patients who visited the emergency department (ED) between March 1 and May 28, 2020, were discharged, and were COVID-19 positive in the seven days surrounding their visit. It was.

According to the study, 4.7% of patients returned to the hospital, were hospitalized within just 3 days of their first ED visit, and an additional 3.9% were hospitalized within a week.

In total, researchers said that 8.6% of patients returned to the hospital after their first ED visit with COVID-19.

“I was surprised at the overall rate of patients returning and requiring hospitalization, twice as much as other illnesses,” Chiral explained.

“The concern is not that the emergency physician is making the wrong decision, but that COVID-19 is unpredictable and can become severe fairly quickly,” he added.

Researchers say patients over the age of 60 were more than five times more likely to need hospitalization after being discharged from their first emergency visit than patients between the ages of 18 and 39.

The study found that people in the 40-59 age group were three times more likely to need hospitalization than the younger group.

For individual symptoms, researchers said patients of age with hypoxic measurements were about four times more likely to require hospitalization on return than patients with high measurements. ..

They said that patients with fever could be more than three times more likely than patients without fever.

“If a patient has other factors, such as an abnormal chest x-ray, they are even more likely to need to come back to be hospitalized,” the study said, M. Kitt of the University of Pennsylvania.・ Delgado Senior Researcher Medical School.

However, the researchers said there were no signs of difference along the lines of race or gender.

“This further contributes to evidence that known racial disparities in COVID mortality are not related to differences in care and outcomes for patients treated in the same hospital system,” Delgado said.

Rather, inequality is associated with higher infection rates and access to care in low-income communities of black and Hispanic descent. ”

Scientists believe that this finding can provide better information to doctors about who is most appropriate for home recovery and the need for remote monitoring as a useful tool for caring for COVID-19 patients. I emphasized sex. PTI VIS VIS

Disclaimer:- This article has not been edited by Outlook staff and is automatically generated from the news agency feed. Source: PTI

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