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Athol Daily News – Greenfields Pond Hockey Team, Part 5: 1930s Cruise


Posted: 03/27/2020 16:45:47

Modified: 03/27/2020 16:45:38

((NOTE: This is part 5 of a series on the history of the Greenfield outdoor hockey team, which ran from 1926 to 1942)

Part 5: Cruise in the 1930s

The James Hayes era ended at Greenfield High School after the 1929-30 season. After four years at the helm, the energetic young coach posted a 16-9-2 record. The bar was set high and new coach Art Watt stepped in for the 1930-1931 season in hopes of continuing this momentum.

He has to do it without star striker Kiernan Moylan. The team’s top goalscorer a year ago was ineligible because the school had a three-year university limit, which he used before his senior season on the ice.

Watt was popular with his players. A graduate of the Northeast, he played baseball, basketball and semi-professional hockey before going to Greenfield. His coach stops included stays at Collinsville (Conn.) And Brigham Academy (Vt.).

Its only busy season has been top to bottom, although the team eventually won the Valley title with victories over Holyoke and West Springfield. In the absence of official championship games at the time, the teams claimed titles based on the results against their local enemies. Greenfields’ 4-4 final record got the 1930s off to a good start, although the ensuing season was short lived, to say the least.

The 1931-1932 campaign included a single game, a 1-1 draw against Brattleboroat at the Retreat Meadows rink north of the border. Tal Griswald scored what turned out to be the only goal of the season for the Greenies, as time interrupted the rest of the schedule and poor ice conditions left the players seated waiting.

Many have chosen to leave the ship and play basketball. Earl Richardson and Ed Lawler moved to hardwood, and coach Watt decided to take on the role of full-time JV assistant basketball coach. This left Ken Stinson as the new head coach of the hockey program, and his only game, a tie, would be maintained until next season.

Things remained stagnant for the next four seasons under Stinson. The program posted an 11-12-4 record during this period, with two winning seasons. The same cost problems remained and the 1932-1933 team trained for most of the season in the school parking lot, with ice conditions and ice time not ideal.

Through it all, they are 3-1 in another short season with the only loss at Williston Academy. Greenfield defeated Bellows Falls (4-3), Brattleboro (2-1) and Deerfield Academy JV (2-1) in a trio of nailers, with team goalkeeper George Giovannazithe.

Stinsons’ peloton crosses a forgettable 1-5-1 season in 1933-1934, but rebounds with a 2-1-3 mark the following year, crowned by a 2-1 victory over Bayfield of Springfield in the final on February. 15, 1935. Former GHS stars Kiernan Moylan and George Hebert parade for Bay Path in this one, but John Kells and James Burns find the back of the net to pave the way for victory.

Captain Kellsand, coach Stinson, back for his fifth and final season, guides the Greenies to five wins in 1935-36, as the team spends 5-5 in a top-down season that includes games against enemies of the region like Agawam, West Springfield, Ludlow and Holyoke. Jack White scores four times in a 7-0 win over Agawam, the best mark of the season, and ties the feat in a 9-1 defeat to Ludlow.

Just like that, however, hockey takes another brief end in the town of Greenfield. Due to financial and travel difficulties, the school decided not to have a hockey season during the 1936-1937 school year. All minor sports at school have been eliminated, in fact, and it will take a few donations to restart the program next winter.

Check back for part 6: One last hit in the Monday recorder.

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